
Why does my stomach hurt after my boyfriend nuts in me?

Why does my stomach hurt after my boyfriend nuts in me?

Health experts say that as sperm is an irritant to the uterus, the uterus can react when in contact with sperms. This can result in uterine contractions, which in turn causes stomach pain and cramps.

Why does my lower stomach hurt after making out?

Your pelvic muscles contract during orgasm. For some people, these contractions result in painful muscle spasms in the lower abdomen and pelvis. Pain during or after orgasm is also known as dysorgasmia.

What causes lower abdominal pain in older males?

Other problems may present as acute abdominal pain in older patients, including urinary tract infection, pyelonephritis, myocardial infarction (inferior wall), pulmonary embolism, congestive heart failure with hepatic congestion, pneumonia, constipation, urinary retention, or an abdominal muscle injury.

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Can too many orgasms make your stomach hurt?

Strong orgasms cause significant contraction of the muscles in the pelvis and pelvic floor, and if this muscle contraction continues after sex then temporary painful cramps may occur in the abdomen. These usually settle quickly by themselves but can leave a dull ache for an hour or two in some women.

What are the causes of lower abdominal pain in women?

Lower abdominal pain in women: Causes and treatments 1 Other causes of Lower Abdominal Pain. This is inflammation of the pancreas,… 2 Treating lower abdominal pain in women. The most common treatment for lower abdominal pain in women… 3 Diagnosing lower abdominal pain in women. When a woman experiences lower abdominal pain…

What causes pain in the left lower quadrant of the abdomen?

The lack of blood flow results in sudden, severe scrotal pain and swelling that often includes the left lower quadrant and other quadrants of the abdomen. The reproductive organs in women are also within or very close to the lower left abdomen.

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What causes abdominal pain in the morning?

By Mayo Clinic Staff Abdominal pain has many potential causes. The most common causes — such as gas pains, indigestion or a pulled muscle — usually aren’t serious. Other conditions may require more-urgent medical attention.

What causes pain in the lower abdomen with a kidney infection?

A kidney infection is caused by bacteria that usually come from your bladder, ureters, or urethra. One or both of your kidneys could be affected by the infection. Although you may feel pain in your lower abdomen, discomfort from a kidney infection more often occurs in your back, sides, or groin.