
Why does my girlfriend take hours to text back?

Why does my girlfriend take hours to text back?

They’re Busy Or Overwhelmed Taking a while to respond to your texts could also mean your SO is busy with work or school. “Delays in returning your text message may mean nothing. Your partner could be with a client, driving a car, or tied up in an important meeting,” Winter says.

Should I reply to a girl straight away?

Why Texting Back Too Soon Is A No-No By all means, if you want to text back straight away, go for it. But this is why it may be better to wait. In terms of texting, replying too soon (although great at first) over time can cause the other person to start to see you as less value.

Why is my girlfriend posting inappropriate photos on social media?

Moreover, she may not be honest with herself (and/or you) as to why she’s posting what you deem to be inappropriate photos on social media. First, the obvious: “She might need attention and is flaunting her sexuality to get it (which may not be about you, but can still affect you),” Sherman suggests.

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How to deal with your girlfriend’s Sexy social media posts?

Understand how her sexy social media posts make you feel Few men ever talk about this, but you need to figure out why you’re upset because of your girlfriend’s pictures. Talk to a close friend or even a therapist to act as a neutral sounding board. Specifically, describe the situation and the emotions it’s conjuring.

Is your partner’s relationship status on Facebook a red flag?

That being said, don’t use this red flag alone as an indicator that your partner doesn’t value the relationship. If a relationship status on Facebook is something that matters a lot to you, have a conversation with your partner about it and let them know.

Should you worry about late-night texts from friends?

A wayward text from friends late at night is not necessarily a cause for concern, and some couples actually choose to wind down on their devices, side-by-side.