
Why does Mac run smoother than Windows?

Why does Mac run smoother than Windows?

Part of why OS X seems so much smoother than Windows is because of the animations. Unlike much of Windows, a lot in OS X animates. This includes opening applications, switching desktops and full-screen apps, opening spring-loaded folders, and many others as well.

Do Macs last longer than Windows laptops?

While the life expectancy of a Macbook versus a PC cannot be determined perfectly, MacBooks tend to last longer than PCs. This is because Apple ensures that Mac systems are optimized to work together, making MacBooks run more smoothly for the duration of their lifetime.

Are Macs good for school?

Best answer: A MacBook of any type is an excellent tool for most students. For high school students, a MacBook Air is a great choice, with its balance of portability, a decent amount of power, and battery life.

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Do PCs last longer than Macs?

Why does windows feel so much faster than macOS?

In general Windows feels snappier because the animations are definitely faster, while on macOS they’re smoother and more pleasant to look at. Came here to post exactly this, and don’t know why this isn’t more upvoted. Comparing how specific applications perform comes down to how much support the developers give to that platform.

Why is Mac OS X so slow?

The interfaces in OS X look very metallic, and match the coloring of the computers it runs on very well which adds to the experience. However, if you are using a lot of memory and don’t have much left over, a Mac will run slow just like Windows PCs tend to do nearly 100\% of the time.

Why do Macs use more power than Windows computers?

The reason is that the OS a Mac uses is specifically designed and optimised for that exact hardware while Windows has to accommodate thousands or perhaps millions of hardware combinations. Each Windows PC might have a different CPU, GPU, Motherboard, sound cart, network adapter and so on.

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What are the advantages of Mac OS X over Windows 10?

Macs have a longer life and that is the single biggest advantage for a consumer. Buying a new laptop frequently and transferring all the data is a pain & very expensive. OSX updates are much more smooth and you are less likely to face hardware/software obsolescence. A much better hardware.