
Why does India have so many languages?

Why does India have so many languages?

In summary, India has a lot of languages because: It is a continent sized landmass with a large population – with more than 10\% of world population and less than 10\% of world’s languages. There is a huge genetic diversity caused from thousands of years of migration.

Why we have so many languages all around the world?

The main reason why there are so many languages has to do with distance and time. Groups of people who speak a common language get divided by distance, and over time their dialects evolve in different directions. After enough time passes, they end up speaking two separate, but related languages.

What is the most popular language in India?

Hindi, English, and Bengali are among the most popular languages spoken in India. The Republic of India is the world’s seventh largest country by area as well as the world’s second most populous country. The country has a population of more than 1.2 billion people.

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How many different languages spoken in India?

India – Language. There are 22 major languages in India, written in 13 different scripts, with over 720 dialects. The official Indian languages are Hindi (with approximately 420 million speakers) and English, which is also widely spoken.

What are the main languages of India?

Hindi. Hindi is not only the official language of India,but also the most widely spoken one here.

  • Bengali. Bengali is the second most spoken language in India,which has nearly 83 million speakers,spread over the Eastern states of West Bengal,Jharkhand,Assam and Tripura.
  • Telugu.
  • Marathi.
  • Tamil.
  • Kannada.
  • Urdu.
  • Gujarati.
  • Malayalam.
  • Odia.
  • What is the primary language in India?

    Hindi, an Indo-European language spoken mainly in northern and central India, is the primary official language of the Union government of India .