
Why does Harrison Wells pretend to be in a wheelchair?

Why does Harrison Wells pretend to be in a wheelchair?

Wells (Eobard Thawne) pretends to be disabled because he needs to recharge the Speed Force in him. The best way to do that was to pretend to be disabled. It also adds a effect of forgiveness to him from Team Flash and allows him to deceive them more.

Is Dr Wells actually paralyzed?

It clearly gives nothing away. The only thing that makes sense is that Wells was involved in an accident the night the particle accelerator went berserk, one that would have left him injuries that would cause him to lose his ability to walk. It means that he too was affected by the particle accelerator’s explosion.

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How can Harrison Wells be reverse flash?

In The Flash: Eobard Thawne is the reverse flash. It is revealed that he went back in time to kill Barry’s mother and then was stuck in the past. He kills the actual Harrison Wells and take his form and waits for Barry to become the Flash. At the end of the season, he was erased from existence.

What happened to the real Harrison Wells?

In the original Earth-1 timeline, he would found S.T.A.R. In the Earth-Prime timeline, Harrison’s life played out the same and he was still murdered, but he was resurrected through particles left behind after his other doppelgängers’ sacrifice.

Who is the guy in the chair Flash?

The Thinker
The Thinker is a super intelligent Flash villain who will fight the S.T.A.R. Labs team using his intellect, rather than physical speed. The Thinker made his debut at the end of the Season 4 premiere episode, looking terrifying in his wired-up floating captain’s chair.

Why did Harrison Wells create the flash?

So one possible explanation for why Harrison created The Flash is that Barry dies in the future (thus his missing status) and Harrison goes back in time to our present day to make sure that Barry does indeed become The Flash, properly mentor him, and get him ready for his potential demise so that it doesn’t happen and …

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Is Wells good or bad in the Flash?

Characterization. Cavanagh has differentiated each version of Wells he portrays based on character mannerisms, voice, and origin story. He described Harry Wells of Earth-2, introduced in season two, as someone who “seems bad but he’s good”, the opposite of Thawne.

Who is timeless wells in The Flash?

Harrison Wells
First appearance “Pilot” The Flash October 7, 2014
Last appearance “Timeless” The Flash May 11, 2021
Created by Greg Berlanti Andrew Kreisberg Geoff Johns
Portrayed by Tom Cavanagh

Why did Harrison Nash Wells return to the Flash?

After the events of the Anti-Monitor Crisis, H.R. would return to help Team Flash due to being channeled into the mind of his last surviving doppelgänger: Harrison Nash Wells.

Who is Harrison Wells in ‘out of time’?

“Out of Time” finally answered the question “Who is Harrison Wells?” The answer: Eobard Thawne, better known to comic book fans as Professor Zoom, one of Barry Allen’s greatest enemies from the comics.

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How did Dr Wells first meet the Flash?

H.R. arrives on Earth-1 When H.R. arrived on Earth-1, he greeted Team Flash by saying “Greetings Earthlings”, in a deep tone of voice, though he quickly assured the team he was joking. Wells then proceeded to call his Earth-2 doppelgänger handsome. He was then introduced to Team Flash by his doppelgänger.

Why was Barry Allen allowed to stay in Earth 19?

However, H.R. convinced Barry Allen that he could redeem himself and he was allowed to stay for a short time to prove himself, but if he failed, he would be sent back to Earth-19. To prove himself, H.R. established the S.T.A.R. Labs Museum in order for Team Flash to generate income.