
Why does CNAME redirect to another domain?

Why does CNAME redirect to another domain?

A CNAME record redirects site visitors from the domain name they entered in their browsers to another domain name—in your case, your website running on Site Factory. Using CNAME to point to a website location instead of an actual IP address also allows Site Factory to better guarantee high-availability.

How do I find the domain of a CNAME?

Look up and check CNAME records

  1. Go to your domain host’s website. Get help identifying your domain host.
  2. Sign in to your domain host account.
  3. Go to the DNS records for your domain. Get help finding your DNS records.
  4. Verify the results.

Does CNAME change URL?

It’s used to map a domain name to another domain name, the latter of which should have an A record with an IP address.

  1. So in your case, you could certainly have a CNAME record for each of your clients.
  2. The browser will not change the URL.
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Should I use CNAME or redirect?

CNAME records (short for Canonical Name) map your hostname to another hostname. It is useful for pointing many hosts to the same place and updating them easily. Redirects are like CNAME records in a way, but different. Use a redirect if you want one domain to redirect to another.

How do I add a CNAME record to DNS?

Add a CNAME record to your domain’s DNS records

  1. Go to your domain’s DNS records.
  2. Add a record to your DNS settings, selecting CNAME as the record type.
  3. Return to the first window or tab and copy the contents of the Label/Host field.
  4. Paste the copied contents into the Label or Host field with your DNS records.

Can you have multiple CNAME records?

You can’t have two CNAMEs for the same domain name to different hosts. If you need that have a single name with multiple A records for the actual host(s) and CNAME all your hostnames to that. Then you’ll get the canonical be which will resolve to an IP address from the list at random.

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Can a CNAME point to https?

When both domains are in the SSL cert list, your CNAME can redirect with HTTPS. This is how CDN service provider such as Incapsula with works with HTTPS. They just create a “Multi-domain” SSL cert for you.

How do I add a CNAME record to my domain name?

CNAME records use a domain prefix, such as to point to another domain name, or URL. To add a subdomain that points to an IP address, you can add a subdomain. If your domain is not registered with GoDaddy, you can add a CNAME using DNS hosting.

Can a CNAME record point to an IP address?

CNAME records must point to another domain name, never to an IP address. A hostname defined in a CNAME record must have no other resource records of other types (MX, A, etc.), except for DNSSEC records like RRSIG and NSEC. CNAME records can point to other CNAME records, but this is not considered a good practice as it is inefficient.

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What are the restrictions on CNAME records?

Restrictions on CNAME Records A CNAME cannot be placed at the root domain level, because the root domain is the DNS Start of Authority (SOA) which must point to an IP address. CNAME records must point to another domain name, never to an IP address.

What is a canonical name record (CNAME)?

Yes, that’s exactly what it stands for. A Canonical Name record (abbreviated as CNAME record) is a type of resource record in the Domain Name System (DNS) used to specify that a domain name is an alias for another domain (the ‘canonical’ domain). However, you cannot CNAME full domain name to another domain name.