Tips and tricks

Why does bleach make my stomach hurt?

Why does bleach make my stomach hurt?

Chlorine reacts with water outside of the body and on mucosal surfaces inside your body — including the water in your digestive tract — causing hydrochloric acid and hypochlorous acid to form.

What are the long-term effects of chlorine?

Long-term (chronic) effects: Long-term exposure to low levels of chlorine gas is potentially linked to diseases of the lung (bronchitis, shortness of breath, possible permanent damage) and tooth corrosion. No cancer or reproductive effects have been reported from chronic exposure to chlorine.

Does chlorine cause permanent damage?

Contact with chlorine gas can severely burn and irritate the eyes and skin upon contact, possibly causing permanent damage. Liquid chlorine solutions (such as bleach) can have vapors that are irritating to the eyes, nose and throat.

What are the side effects of chlorine in drinking water?

The Dangers of Chlorine in Your Drinking Water Stomachaches, vomiting, and diarrhea can all be effects of ingesting chlorine, and it can also cause dry, itchy skin. Severe chlorine poisoning can be far worse – a significant dose of liquid chlorine can be extremely toxic and even fatal to humans.

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What happens if you eat bleach?

When the bleach reaches your stomach it will react with your stomach acid. The result is an upset stomach and a release of some chlorine gas. The chlorine will do some damage to your throat, lungs, and nose as it escapes.

What happens if a child drinks bleach?

There are a lot of cases where kids accidentally take a sip of bleach which looks like a water. Thanks to the chlorine taste, so before they drink a mouthful of bleach, kids will stop drinking it because of its unpleasant taste. A small amount of bleach can only do nausea, upset stomach and dizziness.

What happens if you touch bleach with your hands?

Because it is corrosive, touching bleach can cause chemical burns on your hands unless you wash it off immediately. If you drink bleach, it oxidizes or burns tissues in your mouth, esophagus, and stomach.

What happens if you drink bleach with hypochlorite?

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What Happens If You Drink Bleach Sodium hypochlorite removes stains and disinfects because it is an oxidizing agent. If you inhale the vapors or ingest bleach, it oxidizes your tissues. 3  Mild exposure from inhalation can result in stinging eyes, a burning throat, and coughing.