Why do you want to join Quora?

Why do you want to join Quora?

Because I have researched your company and this position and I feel this is the right place for me at this point in my career. Because I know I can do the job and bring significant value-add to your company. Because it sounds very interesting and I know we will both benefit from me being in this position.

How do you answer why do you want to join this club?

“I want to join this organization because i find this role really interesting & challenging too. I’m having X years of experience in the similar kind of work & i’m quite sure that the skills that i’ve acquired from my current organization & past experience will help me do this work very effectively.

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Why do you want to join XYZ Company?

Something like, “This company is the leader in the industry and with your new acquisition of XYZ, it positions you for growth—and I would love to be part of this growing company!” Or mention that you’re an avid follower of their social media page and you love that the brand really engages with its customers and feels …

What made you interested in the position?

Example: “I’m interested in this job because I can see that, in this role, my skills could help solve this problem within your company. I also see an opportunity for me to learn and grow these skills, so we both would benefit personally, professionally, and financially.

What strengths will you bring to the program?

How to Answer “What STRENGTH would you bring to this position?”

  • Team Player.
  • Time Management.
  • Good at managing people.
  • Meeting deadlines.
  • Always finish my tasks.
  • Good listener.
  • Deal well with difficult customers/situations.
  • Able to see the big picture.
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What are the reasons for joining a group?

Joining groups satisfies our need to belong, gain information and understanding through social comparison, define our sense of self and social identity, and achieve goals that might elude us if we worked alone.

What are my skills?

What are my skills?

  • Time management.
  • Taking initiative.
  • Resourceful.
  • Creative.
  • Problem solving.
  • Building relationships.
  • Verbal communication.
  • Developing a plan.