
Why do you want to join Indian Armed Forces?

Why do you want to join Indian Armed Forces?

Conclusion – All above points are the main reasons of why someone want to join the Armed Forces. Your family background, discipline, respect and honour, facilities for family, adventure at every step and most crucial, serving the Motherland can be a reason of why you decided to join the Armed Forces.

How do Indian Armed Forces help our country?

The Armed Forces have four main tasks; To assert the territorial integrity of India. To defend the country if attacked by a foreign nation. To support the civil community in case of disasters (e.g. flooding).

Why would you like to join the armed forces?

One of the reasons to join army is the respect and love from fellow citizens. 4. Variety and Adventure: For youngsters aspiring to choose a career of excitement and challenges, armed forces can meet all their professional expectations. Indian army is a service of total devotion, sacrifice and honor and prestige.

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Why are the Armed Forces important?

U.S. military capabilities not only protect the United States and its citizens from direct threats, they also help maintain peace and stability in regions critical to U.S. interests and underwrite U.S. defense commitments around the world.

What is the role of the armed forces?

Armed forces officers are the managers of the military world. They lead others to defend their country and to support international peacekeeping and humanitarian efforts across the globe.

What do we learn from the armed forces?

OPTIMISM AND RESOURCEFULNESS A soldier of the Indian Armed Forces knows how to make the most of any situation, and how to live life to the fullest. Having seen death and destruction so closely, they learn to appreciate life and its little joys like no other.

What do you learn from army?

During Basic, you’ll learn how to work as a member of a team to accomplish tasks. You’ll learn discipline, including proper dress, marching, and grooming standards. Most importantly, you’ll be instilled with the Seven Core Army Values and the Soldier Creed.

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What is the Army life like?

A good social life is part of the Army package, and on base it often revolves around the Soldiers’ Club and Officers Mess, with their bars, TVs and activities. Some bases have cinemas and multipurpose halls too, and once through recruit training you can socialise off-base whenever you’re off duty.

Do you know these 14 facts about the Indian Armed Forces?

14 Facts About The Indian Armed Forces That’ll Make You Respect Them Even More 1. India controls the highest battlefield in the world, the Siachen glacier, at 5000 metres above Mean Sea Level (MSL). 2. India has the biggest “voluntary” army in the world. 3. Indian soldiers are considered among the very best in high altitude and mountain warfare.

Do you have any introduction to the Indian Army?

Indian army needs no introduction. We have respect, love, pride, and admiration for our soldiers and for the Indian army as a whole.

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What is the primary mission of the Indian Army?

From the burning deserts of Rajasthan to the icy heights of Siachen, from battling Warfield to nation-building, from surviving struggle to supreme sacrifice with an unbeatable will, our soldiers compromise their lives for honour and above all for INDIA. The primary mission of the Indian Army is to ensure National Security and National Unity.

What are the qualities of a hero in Indian Army?

The courage, spirit of comradeship and brotherhood, irrespective of religion, caste and creed, inculcate this strength to even face bullets, embracing death to become immortal for all the time in all soldiers of Indian Army. Every Indian should always create a good and heroic mentality towards our national heroes and respect their sacrificing work.