
Why did George Lucas use so much CGI in the prequels?

Why did George Lucas use so much CGI in the prequels?

Lucas was the first to actually use computers as a tool to help with his movies. He had always stated that he was experimenting with computers in the film and that computers would be the future of movies.

Why is the prequel CGI so bad?

One of the main things that ruined the prequels and the special editions of the original movies was the fact that there was just way too much CGI spread throughout. While some of the practical effects of the original trilogy may have looked cheesy, they also were way better than the CGI effects added in after.

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Why are the graphics in Star Wars so bad?

The biggest problems with the CG in these films stemmed from the fact that they didn’t move/act the way we expected them too. Even then, there are several moments in these films that are absolutely stunning and an impressive feat of technology (Yoda, the battles at the end of AotC and beginning RotS, General Grievous).

Does George Lucas regret the prequels?

Star Wars creator George Lucas has said that critics of the dialogue in his prequel films simply don’t understand the franchise. The three prequel films were all Lucas, and his inimitable style is instantly palpable, from Phantom Menace all the way to Revenge of the Sith.

Why is the dialogue in the prequels so bad?

The biggest reason is that George Lucas tried to do everything himself, and Lucas is not known for his skill at writing dialog. Harrison Ford once confronted Lucas with the script, saying: “Maybe you can write this crap, George, but nobody can say it.” The prequels had very good actors.

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Did George Lucas make a prequel to Star Wars?

Lucas had planned a prequel trilogy (as well as a sequel trilogy) before the release of the original film, but halted major Star Wars films beyond the original trilogy by 1981. With the subsequent advances of computer-generated imagery, Lucas revived plans for the prequels by the early 1990s.

What is the Star Wars prequel trilogy called?

The Star Wars prequel trilogy, colloquially referred to as the prequels, is a series of epic space-opera films written and directed by George Lucas. It was produced by Lucasfilm Ltd. and distributed by 20th Century Fox.

How closely did George Lucas work with George Leland?

Despite being the moderator of all Star Wars lore, and having once argued in favor of the EU being part of Lucas’ world, Leland did not work very closely with Lucas himself, unlike Dave Filoni (supervising director on The Clone Wars, and Lucas’ padawan learner): “I did not have direct contact with George about Star Wars continuity.

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Can Rian Johnson make Star Wars without George Lucas’ input?

J.J. Abrams, Rian Johnson, Kathleen Kennedy, and a handful of executives from Disney can put their heads together and churn out whatever they want, but without input from Lucas, for better or for worse, it’s not really Star Wars. The new sequel trilogy has helped fans to realize this and forgive the prequels that they used to hate so much.