
Why do you think people like to keep photographs?

Why do you think people like to keep photographs?

1. Photos remind us of the people, places, and activities we love. Many people keep photos in their homes, in their office, or in their wallet, and happy families tend to display large numbers of photos at home. In Happier at Home, I write about my “shrine to my family” made of photographs.

What would the world be like without photography?

Not only would life be pretty dull without them, we would have a hard time remembering the past, understanding our history, and learning about our heritage. A photograph is a true emotional representation of a moment in time. Photos are the best way to communicate what people were feeling.

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What is the role of Photography in our lives?

We would grab photos over valuable jewelry, even in moments of panic. This impulse to save our recorded memories is a powerful force, one that tells us much about the role of photography in our lives – and speaks to our constant desire to distill our most precious moments into images. We preserve the important events and people in our lives.

What is the difference between a picture and a real life?

Real life is 3D. A picture is 2D. This difference can have major implications. For instance, when you’re standing in front of someone, you get a 3D sense of their size. Without that extra dimension, in photos, a human arm can look way smaller or larger than it really is.

What does your photo say about you?

No one picture can tell the whole story of who you are or even what you look like. The way you look and the way you look in a particular picture are different matters. When an average-looking guy’s photo receives an Attractiveness score of 2 on Photofeeler, that guy might wish he were more attractive.

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