
Why do we need religious education?

Why do we need religious education?

It helps with their own personal development & supports an understanding of the spiritual, moral, social & cultural questions that surface again & again in their lives. In tackling difficult questions it provides pupils with insight that can work to challenge stereotypes, promote cohesion, and tackle extremism.

What is the point of religious schools?

Religious schools often offer higher quality academics than surrounding public school districts. Many religious schools offer a dual-curriculum or integrated curriculum model where students have a rigorous general studies schedule as well as time or classes for religious instruction and prayer.

Should religion be taught in schools in India?

India is a secular country in which Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Jews and even animistic cultures thrive. If religious instructions are given in school, it will ruin the feeling of secularism in the young minds, which our Constitution itself teaches us. It will create a religious barrier between people.

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How does religion affect education in India?

Educational Achievement Increased religious attendance is correlated with higher grades. In one study, students who attended religious activities weekly or more frequently were found to have a GPA 14.4 percent higher than students who never attended.

What are the benefits of faith schools?


  • avoids discrimination against minority religions.
  • set up to nourish faith.
  • Dawkins- religious literacy is part of cultural heritage, eg- can’t study/understand Shakespeare without the Bible.

Why is religious education important in schools PDF?

Learning about religion and learning from religion are important for all pupils, as religious education (RE) helps pupils develop an understanding of themselves and others. RE promotes the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of individuals and of groups and communities.

What is the relationship between religion and education?

According to a 2015 global survey by Gallup International, the most religious had lower levels of education, however, religious people in general were a majority in all educational levels. An EU survey finds a positive correlation between leaving school early and believing in a God.

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Should religion be taught in schools?

Religious education is a subject that needs to be kept clearly separate from the rest of a child’s school day. If taught correctly, children will be raised to think critically about religion and start to make their own decisions regarding faith. Isn’t that what we want for our children?

Is it religious education that I oppose?

It is not religious education I oppose. In fact, I definitely feel teaching future generations how similar the major religions actually are, is important. It instills tolerance and respect for others beliefs and values. R.E. is also the perfect foundation on which to explore children’s own ideas, opinions and views.

Can schools bring together different faiths to worship?

Bringing a school together as a collective and sharing how different faiths worship could be highly valuable. Yet because approximately 60\% of our country label themselves as Christian, this worship has to be “wholly or mainly of a broadly Christian character”.

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Should schools celebrate other religious festivals?

Schools make token efforts to celebrate other religious festivals. Still Christmas and Easter are still given a disproportionate amount of time in a busy curriculum. The school nativity and the pedestal it is placed on, does not sit well with me. Yet again, the youngest and most impressionable are used to tell a religious story as truth.