
Why do we half ass things?

Why do we half ass things?

We accept half-hearted effort because we believe that it’s what we deserve. We let people take advantage of us because we perceive it as a sign that we’re not good enough. Upon receiving half-assed effort, we convince ourselves that it’s because we just aren’t worthy of a full investment.

What’s another way to say half-ass?

What is another word for half-assed?

faint-hearted cowardly
feart half-hearted
irresolute jittery
jumpy nervy
soft weak-kneed

How do you use half-ass?

Alternative spelling of half-assed….Half-assed Sentence Examples

  1. I can’t be half-assed about this.
  2. There were dark circles beneath her light eyes, her hair was in a half-assed lumpy ponytail, and her face was so pale and drawn, she looked ill.
  3. Her eyes were puffy and bloodshot, her hair in a half-assed braid.
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Is Halfassed a bad word?

adjective Slang: Vulgar. insufficient or haphazard; not fully planned or developed.

What does half fast mean?

Use “half-fast” if you want to be cute, or if you want to smirkingly slip one past a censor. As a musician, we use it for asking for requests from the audience. “Would you like something slow, fast, or half-fast”.

What is a nice way to say half-ass?

What is a better way to say half-ass?

More polite and more accurate alternatives “insufficient” or “barely sufficient” depending on whether the job must be redone or not. “Unprofessional” if the quality of work is not worth the premium charged. “Unworkmanlike”, “subpar”, “substandard” in general.

When someone does a half ass job?

The definition of half assed is that limited thought or effort is given to a task or idea. An example of half assed is a person who shows up five minutes late to a birthday party and does not bring a gift. (slang) Having or showing little thought, care, or foresight.

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Is half ass a swear?

How do you say half ass in a nice way?

What is a better way to say half ass?