Why do Syrian refugees need help?

Why do Syrian refugees need help?

Syrians fleeing conflict in their country often leave everything behind. They’re in need of the basics to sustain their lives: food, clothing, healthcare, shelter, and household and hygiene items. Refugees also need reliable access to clean water, as well as sanitation facilities.

What challenges to refugees face?

5 Unique challenges facing refugee children

  • Limited access to quality education.
  • Compromised mental health and the threat of “lost” childhoods.
  • Separation from families and greater vulnerability.
  • Shifting family dynamics and responsibilities.
  • Isolation in host community.
  • Concern’s work with refugee children.

What challenges do refugees face?

distance and lack of communication with families in the home country and/ or countries of asylum (particularly if/where the family remains in a conflict situation) ongoing mental health issues due to trauma, including survivor guilt. financial difficulties. visa insecurity (temporary visa holders)

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How can we help the Syrian refugee crisis?

Three steps towards ending the refugee crisis

  1. Work together. It’s essential that wealthy countries work together to share the responsibility for protecting refugees.
  2. Increase support. Wealthy nations must also increase the support and funding they provide to people in conflict-stricken countries.
  3. Protect asylum seekers.

What are the pros and cons of bringing Syrian refugees into America?

3 Pros and Cons to Bringing Syrian Refugees into America: Con #1: The chance that refugees coming in may be part of the Islamic State that would help terrorists make contacts in the United States. With the recent, horrific happenings in Paris, it is only natural to be scared for something like that to happen here in the States,…

What are the disadvantages of immigration of refugees to India?

1, First they are extra burden to economic of country. Providing place and work will be challenging. 2, In developing countries like India, citizens are already deprived of jobs and entry of refugees will make people more manpower and citizens will tend to lose more jobs.

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What are the disadvantages of being a refugee?

5. Disproportionate social burden:Majority of refugees are survivors of violence and subjected to a lot of trauma that forced them to flee their country. Some of them experience post-traumatic stress disorder or depression and it may be costly to provide the support they need.

What are the benefits of supporting refugees?

The refugee supporters fund their housing cost, food and transport for a fixed period of time. Some refugees are highly experienced and have strong work ethics and can contribute greatly to the economy of the country.