
Why do Southerners have an accent?

Why do Southerners have an accent?

The Southern Drawl, like any accent, developed over the course of hundreds of years. There were many factors that contributed to its evolution including: plantation and farm life, Western expansion, immigration, and an increasing number and size of American cities.

Is a Southern accent attractive?

A dating website,, has conducted a poll that shows the most attractive accent is the Southern accent. And it wasn’t close. More than 36 percent of respondents prefer the Southern accent over several others.

Why do Southerners sound different?

Because Southern American English is stigmatized by cosmopolitan people, people who live in cities and travel the country will often try to “lose” their accent. While this isn’t everyone, it’s caused cities to sound distinctly more northern than rural parts.

What do people with southern accents say?

Translating Southern Pronunciations

Southern Pronunciation Translation Used in a sentence
sayd said Cuz I sayd so.
scole school You best go back to scole.
swate sweet Aw, that baby possum’s so swate.
taar tire Mah truck has a flat taar.
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How do I get rid of my Southern accent?

Pronounce your vowels and consonants more clearly and quickly.

  1. “Clip” or shorten your vowels.
  2. You can try to speak with your mouth in more of a circular shape to achieve the effect of rounding out your vowels instead of flattening them.
  3. Place the accent on the second syllable of words such as cement and umbrella.

Why do Southerners say fixin?

“Fixin’” (almost always said without the final “g”) is used to say you’re about to do something, preparing to do something, or want to do something.