
Why do some locations get more rain and sunlight than others?

Why do some locations get more rain and sunlight than others?

Warm air can hold more moisture than cold air, so tropical areas receive more rainfall than other parts of the world. Nearness to the ocean and mountain ranges may also influence the amount of precipitation an area receives.

Why is there more rain in some areas than others?

If you are wondering why some places get more rain than others, it has to do with the local climate. When they get too large for the updraft to hold, they fall down as rain. Therefore, places where air rises more frequently get more rain, and it rains more heavily when the updraft is stronger.

Why do some places go for a long time without rain and others have too much rain?

Some places get much more rain than others. This can be because of the amount of water nearby, the direction of the wind, and how close they are to mountains.

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What makes a place rainy?

Within a cloud, water droplets condense onto one another, causing the droplets to grow. When these water droplets get too heavy to stay suspended in the cloud, they fall to Earth as rain. When it evaporates—that is, rises from Earth’s surface into the atmosphere—water is in the form of a gas, water vapor.

Which country gets highest rainfall?


Rank Country Average precipitation (mm in depth per year)
1 Colombia 3,240
2 São Tomé and Príncipe 3,200
3 Papua New Guinea 3,142
4 Solomon Islands 3,028

Where is the highest rainfall in the world?

Mawsynram is a town situated in the Indian state, Meghalaya. Mawsynram is the north-eastern region in India that receives the highest rainfall in India. Mawsynram is the wettest place on Earth, with an annual rainfall of 11872 millimeters.

Why does the equator receive so much rain?

The air above the Equator is very hot and rises, creating an area of low pressure. The Equator experiences high amounts of rainfall due to this rising air resulting in a warm and wet equatorial climate (eg the Amazon and Congo tropical rainforests). This is because sinking air does not result in precipitation.

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Can rain be made in places suffering from drought?

When some places are in a drought, they may be dry, hot and dusty; cracks may appear in the soil, and rivers, lakes, streams, and other sources of water may go dry. Other places in drought get some rain, but not as much as they usually receive during that season.

What is the origin of rain?

Heat from the Sun turns moisture (water) from plants and leaves, as well as oceans, lakes, and rivers, into water vapour (gas), which disappears into the air. This vapour rises, cools, and changes into tiny water droplets, which form clouds. When the water droplets get too large and heavy, they fall as rain.

Why do some places get more rain than others?

If you are wondering why some places get more rain than others, it has to do with the local climate. When a cloud rises, it expands and cools down because the surrounding atmospheric pressure decreases.

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Where does most of the rain and snow on Earth come from?

One study concludes that about 60 percent of the rain and snow that falls over land comes from moisture originating from the oceans, and the other 40 percent is “recycled” over the continents. China, for example, gets most of its rain and snow from evaporation over Eurasia.

Why do large drops of rain hurt more than small drops?

As a result, larger drops hurt more because it is faster and heavier. If you are wondering why some places get more rain than others, it has to do with the local climate. When a cloud rises, it expands and cools down because the surrounding atmospheric pressure decreases.

Does It Rain a lot in Italy?

Depends on where you live. Lots of snow in some places, lots of rain in others, hot sunshine somewhere and so on. Why do plants live in different places? Plants live in different places because some need hotter weather than others and some need more moisture than others. Does it rain in Italy? It does rain, but not as much as some places.