
Why do some good people suffer?

Why do some good people suffer?

1. Good people suffer because of inequality. Society is structured to serve the majority. Psychologist Jay Watts writes that the great “why” of suffering is not so much due to who is good and bad, but what position in society people fall under.

Why does God let bad things happen Bible verse?

“The hope that we have is that the Bible tells is in Matthew 25:41 that one day, all evil will be done away with. Until that day we can rely on God’s grace. He doesn’t always prevent tragedy, but his grace will always see us through it.

What would happen if we could understand why innocent people suffer?

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Worse than innocent people suffering is others watching their suffering unmoved. And that’s exactly what would happen if we were to understand why innocents suffer. We would no longer be bothered by their cry, we would no longer feel their pain, because we would understand why it is happening.

Do bad things happen to good people?

Christians believe that this life on earth is only the land of shadows and that real life hasn’t yet begun. So yes, bad things happen to good people. Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

Is it bad to see evil people having fun?

After all, while seeing good people suffer is horrible, it’s not much fun seeing evil people having fun either. It has to be said, though, that this question is sometimes asked in innocence by people with a genuine desire to understand what seems impossible to understand.

Do you desire what sin causes you to deserve?

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It’s safe to say, none of us desire what sin causes us to deserve. If humans wrestle with sin, who is good? Only God is good; Psalm 136:1 tells us so. Even when trials smack us in the face or toss us to the ground, our Father’s goodness never waivers. His love remains steadfast, and His plans for our hope-filled future were already in place.