
Why do so many developers hate Java?

Why do so many developers hate Java?

the whole reason behind the Java hate is because way back in the 1.4 JVM days, java was the language to use when you wanted to write BIG company applications. unfortunately, the 1.4 JVM was horrible when it came to speed.

Is it stressful being a software developer?

Being a software engineer is a low stress career. While deadlines, difficult clients, and complex software can be stressful at times, most of the time the work is rewarding. Software engineers have a chance to work on unique projects while controlling many aspects of the project from start to finish.

What do developers hate the most about software development?

Developers hate too much management—where they are caught in nonstop meetings that result in lost time and constant direction changes in the software, which also wastes time. Developers hate micromanagement, where managers are asking for time estimates every hour and trying to find out where every second of your day is spent.

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Why do so many programmers quit their jobs?

High-paying jobs are easier to quit than low-paying ones. The world is not fair. So while programmers quit their jobs for all sorts of reasons, the underlying dynamic is the same: they quit because they can afford to quit. Having a high-paying job for a few years means you can pay off all your loans and save a bunch of money on top of that.

Why do you want to become a software developer?

Software developers dress casual every day of the week. Anyone can teach themselves to be a programmer. These are just a few of the reasons why people say they want to become a developer.

Why do developers hate coding assessments?

While developers have expressed disdain for coding assessments for a wide variety of reasons, almost all of them can be overcome. These sentiments almost always come from coding skills tests being used as a blunt instrument to pre-screen developer candidates out of the recruiting funnel.