
Why do recruiters keep contacting me?

Why do recruiters keep contacting me?

New business – If you’re getting a lot of calls from a recruiter you’ve never worked with, it’s because they want your business! They’ve identified you as someone they would like to work with and they know the market rewards persistence. Your recruiter is calling you so you both can avoid a longer “education” process.

How do you tell a recruiter you are not interested anymore?

The best approach is to be brief but honest about your specific reason for not accepting the position, saying something like:

  1. After careful consideration, I’ve decided to accept a position at another company.
  2. After much thought, I’ve decided that now is not the best time to leave my current position.
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How do I stop recruiters from contacting me on indeed?

How to Cancel Job Alert Emails

  1. Open an email alert you received from Indeed.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the email.
  3. Click the “unsubscribe” button.

How do you politely decline a recruiter?

Not Interested in Making a Move

  1. Thanks for reaching out, but this position is not of interest to me.
  2. Thanks for reaching out to me.
  3. Thanks for the email.
  4. I am not interested in making a move at this time.
  5. Thank you for thinking of me for this interesting position — I truly appreciate it.

Do recruiters call if you don’t get the job?

The reality is, if you didn’t get the job you probably won’t hear back from the recruiter. It’s not that they’re necessarily lying to you when they say this, but recruiters deal with a huge number of candidates on a daily basis and often don’t have time to reach out before moving on to the next candidate search.

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Are recruiters clear when they contact candidates?

Recruiters help organizations find top talent and, if you’re lucky, help put in you in position to land a job . In other words, they can be great resources during your job search. Unfortunately, however, they aren’t always completely clear when they communicate with candidates.

Do recruiters remember your resume when you apply?

Remember, recruiters deal with hundreds of applications for every job listing they manage, so the odds of them remembering your resume when a new position comes up are very slim. How to respond: When you hear this, thank the recruiter and ask what other positions they have available now that may be the right fit.

Is it bad to have a recruiter as your first contact?

The problem is that many people make some bad assumptions whenever a recruiter is the one who makes the first contact. While it’s a good thing to have employers chasing after you, here are a few things you shouldn’t get your hopes up about just because someone emailed you to discuss a position.