
Why do people tailgate instead of passing?

Why do people tailgate instead of passing?

Typically, someone is tailgating you because they want you to drive faster. In more severe cases, tailgating may be an expression of road rage. If you feel someone is endangering you or others on the road, call the police and ask for help.

Why do van drivers tailgate?

There are many reasons why people tailgate. In some cases it’s a bullying tactic – the tailgater might want to intimidate you and get you to move out of their way for example. Or it could be that they’re in a hurry. Sometimes it might just be that a driver has ‘switched off’ and isn’t paying attention to the road.

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How do you deal with a tailgating car?

It is wise to move out of their way by pulling over or turning left, avoid slowing down or flashing your brake lights, as this may escalate the situation to road rage.

What does tailgating mean in driving?

Tailgating is following another car too closely. If someone is following you too closely, be careful. Avoid tailgaters when possible by changing lanes. If you cannot change lanes, slow down enough to encourage the tailgater to go around you.

What is the tailgate rule?

Keeping a good distance between you and the car in front of you is the safest way to avoid a rear-end collision. When you are following a vehicle too closely on the road, you are tailgating. To avoid tailgating, use the 3-second rule.

Why do people tailgate?

Evans also suggests that the lack of speed difference between vehicles allows drivers to feel safe. This, and the fact that crashes are rare events and that drivers can get away with tailgating, makes drivers complacent about the danger.

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What should you do when a car is tailgating you?

So keep the constant speed to let the driver behind you safely pass when they have an opportunity. And remember to not become a tailgater yourself. As much as it may be tempting to try and put some space between you and the car in front of your car, you don’t want to create the same situation for the car in front.

What happens if you brake suddenly at a tailgater?

Then, if you do need to brake suddenly, the brake light should hopefully prompt the tailgater to take some evasive action. This won’t entirely eliminate the risk of getting rear-ended but at least there’ll be less damage at a slower speed.

How do you deal with a passive tailgater?

Dealing with passive tailgaters requires a bit more thought. “Always leave plenty of space in front,” says Rodger. As much as it may be tempting to try and put some space between you and the car behind, you don’t want to create the same situation for the car in front.