Why do people in Europe wear Speedos?

Why do people in Europe wear Speedos?

Because they’re comfortable and designed for swimming. Europeans don’t seem to have the body image problems found in much of the rest of the world. Speedo’s are stylish and great performance wear all over the world (except the US).

Do you have to wear a Speedo in France?

In France, swimming shorts are not allowed to be worn in swimming pools by men. In France, men must wear clinging swimming trunks to swimming pools. You have to wear tight fitting teeny weeny Speedo style swimming trunks to the pool in France because its more hygienic.

Is it illegal to not wear Speedos in France?

In most of France’s public swimming pools, loose-fitting trunks are forbidden – so Speedos are the order of the day. If your togs don’t comply, you won’t be allowed in for a dip.

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Should I wear a speedo or jammers to the pool?

Trust me, no one at the pool will care. And no, you don’t have to be an Olympic swimmer to wear one. I think you should stick with your speedo, but if you’re really self conscious about it you could go with jammers. Board shorts are terrible for swimming in, and I think they look kind of silly for lap swim. Is this still revelant?

Do male professional swimmers/divers ever feel awkward wearing those tiny Speedos?

Do male professional swimmers/divers ever feel awkward wearing those tiny speedos in front of so many people at an event? Im not a professional but no, mostly not. Im a diver and few years ago when I was a teenager, I (and many others) got boners pretty much all the time.

What does it mean when you wear a Speedo?

There’s no better way to stand out on a crowded beach than by wearing a speedo. The confidence it takes to slip into these skimpy briefs speaks volumes about the person wearing them. It says you’re self-assured. It says you’re secure and sexy and playful.

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Are Speedos banned in swimming?

Yes, you got that right – not only aren’t speedos banned, it’s actually the other way round – at some swimming pools shorts are not allowed and you are supposed to only wear speedos. Granted]