
Why do people go to tourist traps?

Why do people go to tourist traps?

Tourist trap is an establishment, or group of establishments, that has been created or re-purposed with the aim of attracting tourists and their money. Tourist traps will typically provide services, entertainment, food, souvenirs and other products for tourists to purchase.

What to be aware of in Athens?

What to know before traveling to Athens

  • Always carry cash with you.
  • Metro is the best transportation method in Athens.
  • Use mobile apps for taxi and other transportation methods.
  • Watch out for the taximeter.
  • Be extra careful at the crosswalks.
  • Beware of ‘tourist traps’
  • Forget your meal schedule.
  • Tip if you like.

Why does Athens have so much graffiti?

The city is in the middle of a graffiti epidemic. It’s a combination of high youth unemployment and underemployment, a general sense of unrest, and authorities being stretched too thin to do much about it. Frankly, the police have bigger problems. The result is an artistic free-for-all on the city’s streets.

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Is Athens safe for tourists?

Athens is considered a very safe city, even for solo female travelers. The crime rate is very low and as long as you take normal precautions, you will feel safe here. Most visits are trouble-free, but the theft of passports and wallets are common on the metro and in crowded tourist sights.

What’s wrong with tourist traps?

While some establishments may be viewed by tourists as fun and interesting diversions, tourist traps can also have negative connotations when they direct travelers off highways into commercial areas, and could potentially be tacky, deceitful and an overall waste of time and money.

How can we avoid tourist traps?

6 Smart Ways to Recognize and Avoid Tourist Traps

  1. Research before and after you arrive.
  2. Look for locals.
  3. Ignore hawkers and touts.
  4. Don’t sleep in tourist zones.
  5. Watch for translations.
  6. Avoid countries that rely solely on tourism.

Does and donts in Greece?

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Do accept an invitation for a lunch or dinner at their home. Greeks are very hospitable to foreign visitors. Bring a gift to show your gratitude. Don’t thrust the palm of your hand in front of someone’s face, it is considered a very rude gesture, so don’t attempt to do this even jokingly!

Is graffiti illegal in Greece?

“In Greece, and especially in Athens, you can find graffiti everywhere. It is really amazing how much freedom you’ve got in the public space. Graffiti is technically illegal, but artists say you have to be fairly unlucky to get in trouble.

Why is graffiti art popular in Greece?

Graffiti is used to draw attention to the social and economic situation and to the unemployment, recently created by the Greek financial crisis. It’s political, it’s artistic, it’s optimism, it’s hope, and it’s unique.