
Why do people buy every new iPhone?

Why do people buy every new iPhone?

Why Do People Buy the iPhone? People can make all kinds of logical explanations to back up their decisions. But the majority do buy the iPhone for social status. Most (if not all) of the features offered by the iPhone are offered by other phones too.

Do people get new iPhone every year?

Get a new iPhone every year. You’re eligible to upgrade to a new iPhone once you’ve made 12 payments. Just trade in your current iPhone and start a new plan.

How many years can iPhone last?

You can expect somewhere between five and seven years of major iOS updates, plus potential security patches beyond that. Your battery will decrease in performance over time, but as long as you have enough storage and keep your device from physical damage, it should last you a good amount of time.

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Is iPhone update necessary?

Every part of the iPhone experience will be better when you jump ahead to three years of hardware and software improvements. That said, this is the last generation of phones that can support nearly every iOS 15 feature, so if you want to hold out just a bit longer before upgrading, no one’s going to stop you.

Why do people buy new iPhones so often?

The answer lies in Apple’s software, and it’s a key part of the company’s strategy to keep millions of people buying new iPhones. Apple releases a new mobile operating system every year, and that keeps a powerful cycle in motion.

Should you buy a new iPhone or stick with last year’s?

On other, sticking with last year’s model can mean being reminded of its technological inadequacy every time somebody else pulls out a factory-fresh iPhone — especially if they then do something you cannot, perhaps paying for things with NFC or making high-quality calls over LTE wireless. And that can feel crummy.

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Why does Apple release a new iPhone operating system every year?

Apple releases a new mobile operating system every year, and that keeps a powerful cycle in motion. Each fall for the last few years, people have rushed to download the latest and greatest version of iOS, which is designed for — and, as a result, works best on — the newest hardware that is also released around the same time.

Should you upgrade your iPhone or buy a new one?

For many, the solution is simply to buy a new iPhone. It’s highly unlikely Apple deliberately slows down older iPhones just to get you to upgrade. The company declined to comment for this story.