Why do people be discord mods?

Why do people be discord mods?

Administrators also choose moderators to play a vital role in Discord communities. These rules, which supplement our Community Guidelines, are your tools to moderate efficiently and transparently. As communities grow, moderators can add more mods to keep a server a fun and welcoming place to be.

Do discord moderators get paid?

Most Discord Moderator positions are voulonteerly, I for example moderate 2 servers with 700.000+ members and several smaller ones. None of these positions are paid, they are 100\% voulonteerly and unpaid.

Why should you become a Mod?

Being a moderator means helping in many ways that most people can’t. Being elected a moderator means that people think you’ve been doing it right, that you have what it takes to lead, that even though you’ve made your share of mistakes, you do have something special . . . or at least the ability to get elected.

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How many mods should a Discord server have?

Having 2-3 mods active at any time is good. Medium sized channels (< 5 lines of text per second) should have an active mod for every ~200 viewers. For large channels, it’s a good idea to employ the use of automated moderation and have mods that interact with chat and manage bot filters.

What does MOD mean in Discord?

A mod is your assistant on Discord who helps you maintain a controlled, favorable setting for everyone. Assuming your server is a real-world community, moderators are like the patrolmen who keep an eye on everyone’s behavior, ensuring they abide by your rules.

Do Discord mods make millions?

Just curious about how they are compensated if they are at all. Server mods are all volunteers in a sense. So no.

What is Discord’s net worth?

Discord Net Worth As of March 2021, Discord is valued at an estimated $7 billion, doubling its value in about a year. The company’s value can be attributed to its 200 million users and an increased effort to monetize via the subscription service Discord Nitro.

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Is admin better than moderator?

Administrators have all the rights of moderators, but can also ban/kick moderators and evaluate the jobs of moderators. Generally, they can also choose new moderators, and edit more of the settings on the Discord. In addition, there is usually more moderators than administrators. Thanks for asking, and have a nice day!

What do you believe makes a good moderator?

Good moderators are generally not focusing too much of themselves. Instead, they would like to understand who are sitting in the audience, what are they looking for from the panel and how could the speakers’ sharing relate to them. Energy monitor and attention getter.

How do discord roles and permissions work?

This article will serve as your go-to reference for how Discord’s roles and associated permissions work. In here we’ll cover: Something that may not be immediately noticeable, but super helpful, is how roles behave in the role tab. To put it simply: Members of a server inherit the permissions of the combined roles assigned to them.

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Can a Discord server give you a reason for your ban?

However, I will say this: In no way is the administrator or administrators of a Discord server under any requirement (legal or otherwise) to give you a reason for your ban, or in fact to give audience to appeals.

Are discdiscord servers the same as Discord?

Discord servers are not the same as Discord. Anyone can create a discord server, and apply whatever rules they feel like. They can ban people for whatever reason they feel like. ~Generally~ the larger servers (those with the most members) have rules that they follow.

How old do you have to be to join discord?

All four replies so far suggest you wait until you are 13. The reasons are twofold. One, of course, is because of the legal requirements. Quora, or Discord, have to adhere to certain laws, so they need to do some efforts to ban children from their sites. And two, the rules for banning people under 13 are really meant to protect minors.