Tips and tricks

Why do parents make excuses for their children?

Why do parents make excuses for their children?

Some parents do blame themselves. They know they have allowed their child to continue to use bad behavior. Excuses make them feel better. Many parents make excuses for their child’s bad behavior.

Why do some parents hurt their child?

Why do Parents Hurt their Children? Sometimes, the tendency to harm children can be deep-rooted in the parent’s own childhood. Adults who were abused as children often find it hard to break the pattern even when they realize that it is a destructive habit.

Why do people make excuses for abusive parents?

Abusive partners are also skilled at coercion and manipulation. They use excuses to make you feel like what’s happening is your fault.

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How do parents who abuse their children see their actions?

Victimized by Parents Parents who abuse their children were often abused themselves when growing up by their own family members. Because of this, they do not necessarily see their actions as wrong. This is the way they were taught to raise kids.

What is “abusive parenting?

The term “abusive parenting” has different meanings and interpretations. If a person is been abused, may it be an adult or child, he or she will naturally connect abuse with what has happened to him or her. To some, it can be emotional while for others it can be physical.

Can the actions of parents ruin the lives of their children?

For example, clinical psychologists Seth Meyers and Preston Ni explain how the actions of the parents can ruin the lives of their children. On the other hand, raising children is very difficult and no one has the right to be judgemental when it comes to someone’s particular parenting style.

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Why do people remain silent when they know they are being abused?

Someone who is dependent, frightened and themselves the victim of abuse, can remain silent and not even see or hear the abuse in order to maintain the desperately needed relationship with the abuser. In a way, it is a variation of the old saying, “Hear no evil, see no evil.” Well, people do hear it and see it and fail to act.