
Why do numbers make me uncomfortable?

Why do numbers make me uncomfortable?

The causes of math anxiety can be environmental (bad experiences, bad teachers), personal (lack of confidence, low self-esteem), or cognitive (innate qualities, e.g., low intelligence or maybe just the obvious — not being naturally adept at math, which fuels a sense of inadequacy).

Why do some people not like certain numbers?

Some people with arithmophobia may fear specific numbers. In cases like these, arithmophobia is usually rooted in superstition or religious phobias. The best-known example is a fear of the number 13, which is also called triskaidekaphobia. The number 666 is another number that’s widely feared in Western cultures.

What is the fear of number 11 called?

Hendecaphobia (from hendeka, Greek for “eleven”, also known as Undecaphobia [from undecem, Latin for ‘”eleven”] or Psychicekaidelokaphobia) is the fear of number 11. The reasons for this fear of number is due to dark history associated with number 11 or digits that sum it to 11, especially terrorism.

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How can I stop fearing numbers?

There are some tools and strategies that can help you create better visualisations and help everyone in your audience — arithmophobia or not — understand the data.

  1. Use benchmarks.
  2. Use colour.
  3. Use pictures or metaphors.
  4. Use motion or animation.
  5. Use words and word clouds.

What numbers are people attracted?

As the results came in, a pattern emerged about the types of numbers people tend to favor: the majority (75\% of the top 20 most liked numbers) fell between 1 and 20, with a particular liking for numbers 1 through 10.

What is the fear of number 13 called?

People who harbor a Friday the 13th superstition might have triskaidekaphobia, or fear of the number 13, and often pass on their belief to their children, he noted.

What is Kinemortophobia?

Kinemortophobia, or the fear of zombies,1 is surprisingly common. The term “zombie apocalypse,” which refers to a pandemic in which zombies take over the planet, is a relatively new concept. Zombie fears, however, are much older.

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What is Coasterphobia?

Roller coaster phobia is a colloquial and slang term describing an individual’s fear of roller coasters and other rides which involve excessive heights, restraints or g-forces on the body.