
Why do INFJs feel so alone?

Why do INFJs feel so alone?

INFJs want to feel like they are understood, but they will struggle with this throughout their lives. This isn’t because they want to be different, INFJs just don’t process or see the world like most people do. The INFJ is the rarest personality type, and this rarity is exactly what causes them to feel so lonely.

Why do INFJs seem like thinkers?

For the INFJ, this dominant function provides the ability and desire to absorb ideas, see meaningful connections around them and express them creatively. Extraverted Feeling is the secondary function in INFJs. Because their Thinking side is also introverted like their dominant function, they really enjoy thinking.

What happens when you anger an INFJ?

A lot of things can influence how an INFJ will express their anger. Usually, they will get more withdrawn and stuck in their head when they’re angry. They might try to shut off noise, lights, or find a room they can hide away in to deal with their thoughts and charged emotions.

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What is it like to be an INFJ?

Being such a rare personality type can make it difficult at times, causing the INFJ to feel alienated and like they just cannot connect with most people in the way they want to. While they are good at empathizing and making others feel understood, receiving this in return is not easy for them at all.

Why are INFJs so awkward in relationships?

Sometimes this causes the INFJ to feel tense around certain people, especially when they know something about that person which they are hiding. This makes situations awkward, and so it really isn’t the INFJ who is being awkward but rather the circumstances.

Do INFJ’s get called Weird?

INFJs do find themselves being called weird or strange fairly often, even from a young age. They can be viewed as “old souls” or be misunderstood because of the way they keep things to themselves.

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Why are some people so strange?

Certain personality types can become pegged for being strange, simply because they have unique characteristics which don’t always fit into certain social norms. Of course these traits aren’t only tied to personality types, as anyone can be seen as different or “weird” to those who don’t understand them, or even to those who do.