
Why do I only think about the good times with my ex?

Why do I only think about the good times with my ex?

Memories reflect more than the events that happened, Sandler says. They’re more about our conflicts, our deep unconscious wishes, fears and anxieties. So remembering an ex in only positive ways can make you afraid to move on to an optimistic future.

What to do when you miss the memories with your ex?

20 Things to Do When You Miss Your Ex

  1. Think about the reasons ending the relationship was for the best.
  2. Don’t hold your feelings inside.
  3. Take up journaling.
  4. Stay busy.
  5. Do not give in to the urge to call or text.
  6. Go out with friends.
  7. Focus on self-improvement.
  8. Consider whether you miss your ex.
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Does first breakup hurt the most?

The First Love breakup is one of the toughest to overcome. Some say you never get over it. The first love breakup is hurts so much because you’ve never experienced this feeling of loss and disappointment before. And, it’s part of growing up, and growing up is usually a painful process.

Why do I remember my ex husband in the morning?

Little fragments of memories can become the basis for “experiences” we remember in the morning as vividly as if they had actually occurred. Along with your tendency to sugarcoat your memories of the past, you created a situation that places your ex front and center in your waking consciousness.

Why does my ex appear in my waking consciousness?

Along with your tendency to sugarcoat your memories of the past, you created a situation that places your ex front and center in your waking consciousness. Feelings of nostalgia are pretty common, evidenced by the prices of remnants from our youth on online bidding sites.

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Why do I have lingering feelings for my Ex?

Also, we need to normalize what is happening: Having lingering feelings for an Ex is very common, and there are many complex reasons for it. Sometimes, people can’t get past a breakup because they have unfinished emotional business with the past. They have lingering feelings of guilt, anger, regret, or pain that are holding them in the past.

What happens when you think you’re over your ex?

Another thing we often hear about are situations where you think you’re over your Ex but then something happens: Your Ex moves on into a new relationship or you have some new contact with them, and the feelings flare up all over again. Or perhaps you’re still connected with your Ex through social media or have shared friends.