
Why do I look for validation from guys?

Why do I look for validation from guys?

THE FIVE KEYS ARE ACCEPTANCE, AFFECTION, APPRECIATION, ALLOWING and ATTENTION. MY MAJOR KEY: If you’ve missed out on one of these five A’s in your childhood or adolescence, this is most likely why you seek VALIDATIONS from men.

What does it mean when someone is looking for validation?

Validation is the desire to have someone else’s approval or agreement with what you say, believe, or do. Humans are naturally social creatures. We thrive in a community and, therefore, have a strong desire to belong in that community and seek validation from it.

What does validation mean in a relationship?

Validation is a way of communicating that the relationship is important and solid even when you disagree on issues. Validation is the recognition and acceptance of another person’s thoughts, feelings, sensations, and behaviors as understandable.

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Why does a person need validation?

A good thing about validating our feeling is we can not only appreciate us for what we did but also for what we had not. Yet, when we catch us going down the path of blues, recognizing it at the right moment to uplift ourselves will help us understand our feelings and work it out.

Does everyone seek validation?

Validation is part of being interdependent and relying on the feedback and encouragement of others around us. Even very independent people still need validation in some aspects of their life; however, they are also able to accept their own self-validation if they do not get it from someone else.

Why do some people feel like they need validation from others?

The reason they feel this way can be due to the beliefs they have formed around validation. And these beliefs will be a consequence of what they have learnt from others. It is not uncommon for people to say that one should not seek validation from anyone, and how this need needs to be completely removed.

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Why do women seek validation from men?

4 Reasons Why Women Subconsciously Seek Validation From Men 1) Subordination Syndrome: Lack of pay parity, lack of inclusive progression framework and lack of workplaces that are… 2) Consequential Confusion: Women are biologically programmed to be less risk takers. As women bear the younger ones

Is seeking validation in men disparaging?

Seeking validation in men, and not finding what it is I expect or think I want and need, can be disparaging when trying to cultivate a fulfilled and empowered self. When all systems point to and are socialised in childhood to finding success and happiness through men, when we are denied the “privilege” of male attention, what is the outcome?

Is seeking validation from others healthy or unhealthy?

One could realise that seeking validation from others is unhealthy, and end up going to the other extreme. And while this is not necessarily any better, it can seem like the right thing to do. So one then ends up trying to live a life where they don’t need anyone’s validation and if they do, they could end up feeling guilty and/or weak.