Why do I hear something different than what someone says?

Why do I hear something different than what someone says?

First things first: hearing words incorrectly is not uncommon. It is very likely that hearing but not understanding words is due to a condition called sloping high-frequency hearing loss. If that is the case, know that it is a highly-treatable form of hearing loss.

How do you respond to understand?

You can do that by saying:

  1. OK / Alright / Sure.
  2. Got it.
  3. OK, I get it now / That’s clear, thank you.
  4. Fair enough / I see where you’re coming from / I take your point / That makes sense.
  5. Of course / Absolutely.
  6. I appreciate why you think that, but…
  7. I hear what you’re saying, but…
  8. That’s totally fair / I don’t blame you.

How do you let someone know you hear them?

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Becoming an Active Listener

  1. Pay Attention. Give the speaker your undivided attention, and acknowledge the message.
  2. Show That You’re Listening. Use your own body language and gestures to show that you are engaged.
  3. Provide Feedback.
  4. Defer Judgment.
  5. Respond Appropriately.

Can hearing be dyslexic?

(CBS/AP) Dyslexia may be a disorder not only of reading and writing but also of hearing. A surprising new study shows that adults with dyslexia have a hard time recognizing voices.

How to ask someone to repeat something in a different way?

Asking Someone to Repeat Something in a Different Way: The following expressions are going to tell your listener that you heard them, but you didn’t understand. When you express this, they’ll hopefully repeat the information in a new way, a way that’s easier for you to understand. I didn’t understand…. I didn’t get that….

Why do people repeat back to you exactly what you said?

Because they didn’t believe that you actually said it. The experience of having somebody repeat back to you exactly what you just said can be unnerving if not creepy. But let me suggest 3 possibilities for such behavior. 1. A person can be unaware of their conversational pathology.

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Does it matter how you say ‘you didn’t hear what was just said’?

It doesn’t matter how you say it, they all mean the same thing: you didn’t hear what was just said. I’ve been thinking recently about how often I don’t hear what someone has said and how often I ask them to repeat themselves.

Is it creepy for a counselor to repeat what they say?

Eugene Gendlin is the psychotherapist who invented Focusing as a method to increase self awareness. What focusing entails is for the counselor to repeat to you complete thoughts The experience of having somebody repeat back to you exactly what you just said can be unnerving if not creepy. But let me suggest 3 possibilities for such behavior. 1.