
Why do I have a weird taste in my mouth after tonsillectomy?

Why do I have a weird taste in my mouth after tonsillectomy?

Taste disturbance is an unusual complication of tonsillectomy of which there are very few reports in the literature. The possible causes of this rare complication are: (1) direct or indirect damage to the glossopharyngeal nerve or its lingual branch (LBGN), (2) lack of dietary zinc, and (3) habitual drug intake.

How long does dysgeusia last after tonsillectomy?

Chemical taste testing was performed before surgery as well as 4 and 14 days after surgery on both sides of the tongue using soaked cotton balls. In all 29 reported cases of taste disturbance, the symptoms resolved within 3 months of the procedure.

How do you get a nasty taste out of your mouth?

Treating a Bad Taste in Your Mouth

  1. Gargle with water.
  2. Using toothpaste, brush your teeth, tongue, roof of your mouth, and gums at least two times a day.
  3. Rinse your mouth with mouthwash.
  4. Drink liquids, chew sugar-free gum or mints, or suck on sour candies.
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How do you get rid of bad breath after tonsillectomy?

Gently rinse your mouth as directed to remove blood and mucus. The white scabs that will form in the back of your throat will cause bad breath. This is normal. Brush your teeth gently.

How can I get my taste back after tonsillectomy?

You can use a good herbal tincture of Hypericum (indicated for nerve damage which might contribute to your loss of taste), Calendula (as an anti septic and heal the area), Echinacea permium that will help in general for you. The tickling is a new sensation as your tonsils used to be where the exposed surface is now.

Will my taste come back after tonsillectomy?

TUESDAY, July 17 (HealthDay News) — Tonsil removal (tonsillectomy) does not cause permanent changes to a person’s sense of taste or smell, concludes an Austrian study of 65 patients.

How do you get rid of bad taste in your mouth from Covid?

Sharp/tart flavoured foods and drinks such orange, lemon, lime flavours can be useful in balancing very sweet tastes. Sucking boiled sweets and mints may also help refresh your mouth before and after eating. If foods have a metallic taste, try plastic cutlery instead of metal and use glass cookware.

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How long will my breath smell after tonsillectomy?

It is normal for your child to have bad breath for about 1-2 weeks after surgery. They will have scabs form at the sites where the adenoids and tonsils were removed. These begin to dissolve or fall off five to ten days. Once all the scabs in the throat have completely fallen off, the bad breath will go away.

Why does my tongue feel weird after tonsillectomy?

After you have your tonsils taken out, swelling of your uvula happens for the same reasons your tongue hurts: It got bumped during the surgery, or inflammation spread to it. Drinking cool fluids and eating ice chips can help.

How can I get my taste buds back after tonsillectomy?

What can I do about a bad taste in my mouth?

Don’t forget to brush your teeth, floss and use a fluoride mouthwash after every meal. For more information on dental hygiene, take a look at the following article on How to care for your teeth and gums properly. The are gastrointestinal problems that can also cause a bad taste in your mouth.

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What causes bad taste in my mouth and bad breath?

A persistent feeling of bad taste in you mouth combined with bad breath is often caused by cavities , gum disease or plaque build-up.

What causes a metallic taste in mouth after chemo?

Antibiotics, anti-thyroid or zinc tablets in particular can lead to a metallic taste. Typically, this bad taste disappears a few days after treatment has ended. Chemotherapy medication can also affect the taste of the mouth, making it more bitter.

What causes distorted taste in tongue after ear tube surgery?

Middle ear surgery: Middle ear or tube surgery, which is often performed due to chronic ear infections, can damage the chorda tympani, a structure close to the inner ear that controls taste in the rear two-thirds of the tongue. As a result, distorted taste can occur.