
Why do I have a crush on someone else when Im in a relationship?

Why do I have a crush on someone else when Im in a relationship?

We often develop crushes on people because we feel they might fulfil a need that isn’t otherwise being fulfilled. This might be a need for love, attention, sex, friendship or any number of other things. It might be something has changed in your relationship recently that means you feel less connected to your partner.

Can you have a crush on someone when you’re in love?

It’s perfectly normal to have a crush, even when you’re happily in love with someone else. The bottom line here is that crushes are normal and they don’t need to mean anything. You might be making the situation worse by beating yourself up unnecessarily.

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What to do when you have a crush on someone but you’re in a relationship?

Here, 12 women who’ve fancied people other than their partners explain how they dealt with those feelings.

  1. Don’t nurture them.
  2. There’s nothing wrong with flirting.
  3. Don’t fantasise.
  4. Distance yourself from it.
  5. Let it run its course.
  6. Don’t let it be a source of angst.
  7. Make a joke out of it.
  8. It could be a warning sign.

Is it normal to have a crush on someone other than partner?

Having a crush on someone other than your partner while you’re in a relationship is totally normal. And it doesn’t mean you’re a shady girlfriend or a bad husband, or that your relationship is on the rocks.

What is a lifelong crush?

A lifelong crush: The person who you will always have a crush on no matter your relationship status. Don’t fight it. 1. When you were really into this person, you were REALLY into them. Probably longer than you would admit to anyone ever. And no matter how hard you try, the feelings don’t go away.

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Why do we think of crushes as different?

We tend to think of crushes as different because they usually involve imagining what it would be like to be in a relationship with this person. They go a level deeper – from the physical to the emotional. What is my crush telling me?

Why do long-term relationships go wrong?

“One of the main reason that things start to go wrong in a long term-relationship is that one or both of the partners start to expect too much from each other,” says Tatyana Dyachenko, another sex and relationship expert at Peaches and Screams.