
Why do I find thunderstorms relaxing?

Why do I find thunderstorms relaxing?

A 2016 study carried out by the Brighton and Sussex Medical School found that sounds from nature – including rainfall, babbling streams, and thunder – have a relaxing effect on our psyche, and also physically adjust the way our brains work, reducing our body’s fight-or-flight instinct.

Is it normal to be scared of thunder?

Astraphobia is extreme fear of thunder and lightning. It can affect people of all ages, though it may be more common in children than adults. It’s also seen in animals. Many children who have this fear will eventually outgrow it, but others will continue to experience the phobia into adulthood.

Why do people love thunderstorms so much?

It is defined as the amniotic tranquility of being indoors during a thunderstorm. A thunderstorm is dangerous, that’s a fact, but most people who enjoy it are watching from the comfort of their homes. The chaos that the storm brings enhances the sense of security that their homes provide.

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What do Thunderstorms sound like?

With nearby lightning strikes the thunder will sound like a loud bang, crack or snap and its duration will be very short. As the shock wave propagates away from the strike center, it stretches, diminishes, and becomes elongated. Then other shock waves from more distance locations arrive at the listener.

Why do some people find the sound of thunderstorms relaxing?

Despite the apparently threatening nature of thunderstorms, some people find the sound of thunderstorms to be quite relaxing. They love deciphering each grumble as it travels through the atmosphere.

Do you like or dislike thunderstorms?

Again, anyone can like storms. Some people have phobias of them just like anything else of course (I’m terrified of the ocean ~ Just throwing that in there.) No matter their personality, anyone can like or dislike them. I do like thunderstorms !

Why do some people hate the sound of a storm?

Many people find the sound of storm makes them immensely alert. They fear and respect it, as they understand the degree of damage it can cause. People with PTSD also won’t find the sounds comforting in any way. If you dislike storms, you should just go with these rainy days ambient sounds instead.

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Do you find storms to be relaxing?

Never found storms to be relaxing, up and down, every window peered though, outside watching running back in when it rains. get a good workout when we get our yearly storm. Yes, I’m exactly the same.