
Why do guys take days response?

Why do guys take days response?

It can mean a lot of things when a guy replies late. If he takes more than 12 hours to reply, he may be extremely busy with work. Notably, some common reasons a guy suddenly stops replying may be that he gets involved in an accident, he’s lost his phone, or he doesn’t have access to it due to an emergency.

How long does it take for a guy to text you after a date?

“When it comes to texting after a first date, you should text no later than the next day to say you had a great time, or to thank them for their time,” says Susan Trombetti, a matchmaker and CEO of Exclusive Matchmaking. “Most people will text within a few hours of arriving home and thank their date.”

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Why hasn’t he texted in 2 days?

Here’s Why He Hasn’t Texted In 2 Days There are many reasons he might not have texted back. He could simply be busy. Or he could be worried that if he starts the texting conversation that he will end up having to go back and forth with you all day.

Should I worry if a guy hasn’t texts Me Back in 2 days?

You shouldn’t worry if a guy hasn’t texted you back in 2 days. Two days in guy-land is not a long time. You should only start worrying after two weeks. By that point, the guy has either been carried away by other circumstances in his life or he has moved on.

What to do when he doesn’t text back after an argument?

If it has been 2 days already and he hasn’t texted back, and your last message or phone call was an argument, you might want to try giving him a ring or text first. The best way to handle this is to talk about how the argument made you feel and ask him how he feels as well. Guys need attention too sometimes!

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Why won’t he Text Me First after the first date?

So it’s entirely OK for you to take control of the situation. If you had a good time with that person on your date, trust that there may be a variety of reasons they aren’t texting you first. One of them being, they may simply be waiting from that text from you as well.