
Why do girls use carrots?

Why do girls use carrots?

Carrot was chosen as a chief ingredient of wondercup because: ” It contains components with estrogenic activities, most notably beta carotene, which, like all phytoestrogens, is a substance similar to female hormones, and therefore able to regulate their production in the body, thus stimulating the natural development …

Can I masturbate with carrots?

Your vigorous masturbation with the markers can irritate or tear the urethra or the vaginal tissues. The cap of the pen can also come out and get stuck in the vaginal vault. You surely would not want to take this kind of a risk no matter the pleasure.

Can you put a carrot in your butt?

Putting food you’re planning to eat into the butt, or anywhere near it, is a surefire way to cause issues, Dr. Gersh says. This includes carrots, cucumbers, and anything else that looks roughly phallic. “Contamination of food this way can cause illness,” she says.

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What happens if you put water in your bum?

Even if you douche with the right water, the right temperature, and the right equipment, you can damage the lining in your butt that can put you at higher risk for getting an infection from your partner. There is no magic number of times that makes douching unsafe.

Is introducing foods into your vagina a smart thing to do?

Some foods are considered kinda sexy, and you and a lover (or two or three) may like experimenting with different foods to titillate. Or, you may not have your very own high-tech masturbation tool, and need to borrow a carrot or cucumber out of the fridge. But, is introducing foods into your vagina a smart thing to be doing? Well, yes and no.

Is it safe to put food in your vagina?

Well, yes and no. Some foods just aren’t an issue and you can go nuts (ehem – don’t use nuts), but others could be problematic. Overall, no gynaecologist is going to recommend putting food in your vagina, but you can bet they haven’t always taken their own advice.

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What fruits and vegetables are too soft for vaginas?

Soft fruit and vegetables (plums, tomatoes) are too soft and squishy. Avoid citrus or acidic fruits that may sting. Avoid onions or garlic for the same reason. Bigger or round fruits and vegetables are workable if that’s what you’re into, but for example an orange (unpeeled) is likely going to be too big for most vaginas to fit comfortably.

Why do bits get stuck in my vagina?

These vegetables get their bits everywhere, and are a weird shape, which may result in lots of ‘bits’ getting stuck in your vagina. If you’ve ever tried putting a banana into your vagina, you’ll know just how difficult it is. There are two types of vagina banana: skin on or skin off.