
Why do all schools look the same?

Why do all schools look the same?

A set of standardized blueprints ensured that any sized plot of land designated for a school had a ready-made plan to match. This meant that a school could be built promptly and within budget in no more than two years’ time. Standardization did not mean that all schools shared an identical look.

Is Japanese high school really like anime?

Many anime shows feature high school students with scenes taking place inside their school. Unfortunately, real Japanese schools are much more strict and many students do not have as much time as you may think for cliques and other things similar to what you might see in anime shows.

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Why do Japanese high schools have fences on the roof?

The schools that do lock off the roof usually do so for fear that some depressed kid is going to jump, which can and does happen occasionally. Some have even gone so far as to fence off the roof, in addition to locking it. It’s simply a dramatic setting that’s become an easy setting for telling a story in high school.

Why do schools want students to look the same?

When students are wearing the same uniform, it promotes a feeling of team spirit. Everyone is easily identifiable as being on the same team, just like the players on a basketball, football or cheer team.

What is the difference between anime and high school?

High School is a Universal Setting. Anime is an international product. Studios attempt to create stories that appeal to both their Japanese audience and the greater Western audience. High school provides a universal setting. Unlike many aspects of Japanese culture, high school doesn’t need explanation.

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What is the average age of an anime character?

After watching a lot of Anime, depending on the demographic, a good chunk of it tends to take place in a high school setting or the characters, while not always, range from the ages 14-17.

Why is anime so popular among teens?

High school becomes the center of their teen lives and represents both parental influence—with its rules—and teen-hood. Anime developed with the concept of teenager. This concurrent development married anime’s story telling to the experiences of the teen years.

What is high school like in Japan?

High school provides a universal setting. Unlike many aspects of Japanese culture, high school doesn’t need explanation. Japanese high school has quirks that make it unique, such as the emphasis on clubs and school festivals, but on the whole, the setting remains recognizable.