
Why didnt Frodo say Legolas?

Why didnt Frodo say Legolas?

The user theorizes that Frodo doesn’t even know Legolas’ name, despite them meeting in The Fellowship of the Ring. When the Fellowship was formed in Rivendell, Legolas was fairly quiet, which is normal to his introverted character. However, Legolas was a new person in Frodo’s life.

How did the Fellowship not know about Moria?

Gimli did know that Moria is a dangerous place, but he didn’t know that his cousin Balin’s expedition has failed so horribly. Balin’s expedition went to Moria about 30 years before Gimli and the rest of the Fellowship, and there were no words about their destiny.

Why does Gimli not know the password to Moria?

2 Answers. In the books, at least, the west gate of Moria had not been used for 1,037 to 4,763 years, making it unlikely that the password had been handed down to Gimli. The movies have a much less certain history and chronology, so I don’t know how long it had been in the movies since the west gate had been in use.

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Why don’t Frodo and Legolas know what the password is?

Neither Frodo nor Legolas contributes to this whole process, because (although they certainly know the meanings of the words involved) they don’t have any idea of the trick behind the password. All quotes from The Lord of the Rings, Book II, Chapter 4, “A Journey in the Dark”.

Why does Balin’s tombstone say Lord of Moria?

Hence the tombstone which reads “Balin, son of Fundin, Lord of Moria”. Both Gimli and Gandalf know of Moria being a dangerous place, but they don’t know Balin’s mission has failed so catastrophically.

Could Legolas read the Tengwar inscription?

Lord of the Rings Appendix E notes changes to the usage of the tengwar between the First and Third Ages. It is therefore reasonable to conclude that Legolas could not read the inscription either. Gandalf translates the entire statement, including the password, nearly as soon as the Fellowship sees them.

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Why didn’t Legolas tell everyone what the Sindarin translation is?

There’s no particular reason for Legolas to intervene and tell everyone what the translation is: Frodo is specifically asking Gandalf, and Gandalf understands Sindarin well enough to translate. (He certainly knows what the Elvish for “friend” is. It’s likely, though not certain, that Frodo does too.)