
Why did you take engineering?

Why did you take engineering?

Personal happiness: A primary reason people choose to study engineering is personal happiness. This is a career that will keep you happy by providing great financial security, diversity, flexibility, prestige, intellectual development, challenges and personal satisfaction.

Are engineers happy with their life?

Engineers are below average when it comes to happiness. At CareerExplorer, we conduct an ongoing survey with millions of people and ask them how satisfied they are with their careers. As it turns out, engineers rate their career happiness 3.1 out of 5 stars which puts them in the bottom 40\% of careers.

How engineering can change the world?

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The role of an engineer is to tackle some of the world’s biggest problems; helping to save lives and create fantastic new technological advancements that can improve the way we live. Engineers use devices like drones to detect and reach survivors, help to build shelters and safe water and waste disposal systems.

Why do you like engineering?

I became an engineer because I love to fix things, solve problems and find out why things work. Every day when I walk into work I know there will be a new problem to solve or a different machine to fix. The satisfaction I get by using my engineering skills to solve problems is why I get out of bed in the morning.

What type of engineers are the happiest?

Structural engineering As the chart below shows, of the engineers highlighted in this report, a petroleum engineer not only makes the most money both early and through their mid-career, but they also have the highest satisfaction rate. A win/win for this type of engineer!

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What is a positive impact of engineering?

Engineers have applied their problem solving and technical skills, advanced knowledge and creativity to build and scale projects that meet the socio-economic and health related needs of the global population.

Is it hard to become an engineer?

More than the fear of crashing or blowing off a finger, they are afraid of the “math” that it takes to become an engineer. Granted, a small percentage of graduate engineers will work in a R&D setting that will require high level math. However, the reality is that the vast majority of engineers that graduate will work in industry.

Why did you choose to study engineering?

The reason why I love engineering is because I get design and build new inventions. Also, I love to build things with my hands, which is why I choose to study engineering. Although I am not an engineer yet, it has been something I’ve wanted to become my whole life.

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How do people feel about engineering majors?

People are in awe when you tell them you are an engineering major. They do respect that. However, when you start working after graduation…that kind of changes. Engineers are typically at the bottom ranks of most companies. MBAs and finance people get all the management jobs.

What does it mean to be an engineer today?

The greatest inventors of the past were creative, intelligent thinkers who imagined solutions. This to me embodies engineering today. As a software engineer, I’m called upon to answer difficult technical problems that involve creating solutions that require innovation and invention. Engineers are modern-day inventors.