
Why did Varys betray Daenerys?

Why did Varys betray Daenerys?

He’s been watching his queen carefully for quite some time now, and before his death, he’s certain that she’s not fit to rule the Seven Kingdoms. Varys betrays Daenerys because he’s only ever had one motivation: to protect the realm. Varys himself says he’s served more rulers than anyone else in the Seven Kingdoms.

Why is Varys so loyal to the targaryens?

Varys is loyal to the good of the realm, as he states repeatedly. Danaerys at that time had no dragons with her, hence did not provide any strategic superiority. He kept a tab on her so that he could bring her back to Westeros when the time was right.

Can Varys be trusted?

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History. Though nothing that Varys says can be completely trusted, he claims to have been born a slave in Lys that was sold and apprenticed to a traveling folly, a troupe of mummers who worked the Free Cities, Oldtown, and occasionally King’s Landing, by means of a fat little cog owned by the troupe’s master.

Was Varys loyal to Daenerys or Tyrion?

While Jon didn’t want to be Westeros’s king and Tyrion was still loyal to Daenerys (his little escape plan for Jaime and Cersei aside), Varys was Team King Jon from the moment he learned the one-time bastard’s real lineage.

Is Varys really dead on ‘Game of Thrones’?

The long-time supporting character was dispatched within the first 20 minutes of the episode, but his death sadly wasn’t exactly a shocker. In Episode Four, Varys learned from Tyrion of Jon Snow’s true Targaryen birthright.

Is Varys loyal to the people or the king?

But Varys has never been shy about the fact that his loyalty lies with the people. Last season, Varys laid out his philosophy when Dany grilled him about his loyalties, asking him why he served both her father, Aerys Targaryen, and Robert Baratheon, who overthrew him. “I wasn’t born into a great house,” he told his new queen.

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Why did Daenerys Targaryen write a letter to the king?

The only problem, however, is that he still worked for Dany. That’s likely also why he was writing that letter at the beginning of the episode — informing the rest of Westeros that Aegon Targaryen (read: our good ol’ Warden of the North, Jon Snow) is the true heir. Naturally, Dany became upset.