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Why did Tony Stark need the arc reactor?

Why did Tony Stark need the arc reactor?

The ARC reactor and electromagnet chest piece are originally there to prevent pieces of shrapnel from piercing his heart. That happens because he was fixed by a Chinese/Afghan doctor who doesn’t have anything else to do it properly.

Why does Iron Man need the arc reactor to live?

While Tony no longer needed the arc reactor to keep the shrapnel from entering his heart after Iron Man 3, it’s still necessary to power up his suits. Instead of attaching it to his body, he fitted each of his suits with their own arc reactors until Homecoming.

Is Tony Stark’s arc reactor possible?

Sustained fusion reactions of Hydrogen atoms on a small scale is enough to power a block of homes for their sustainable lifetime. Two: the technology is actually a possibility, and MIT believes that a real Iron Man reactor could be created by the year 2025.

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Why did cap punch the reactor?

More videos on YouTube The reason why Captain America destroyed the Chimera was because he detected a heat signature rising out of the ocean, seemingly being pulled up by the Terrigen Crystal.

How do you convert GJ to kJ?

GJ↔kJ 1 GJ = 1000000 kJ.

Why did Tony Stark use palladium in his arc reactor?

The Palladium Arc Reactor Mark III was the reactor used by Tony for six months (the time jump from Iron Man I to Iron Man II) to power his armors and electromagnet in the movie Iron Man 2. It was created to replace the one which was stolen by Stane and later destroyed.

Does Tony have the arc reactor in Avengers?

According to The Art of Avengers: Infinity War, Tony Stark subsequently replaced the arc reactor for an “RT” unit, which in the comics is fusion powered, and houses nanobots for the Mark 50 Bleeding Edge suit. Pepper questions the need to have this back on his chest; Tony downplays its existence, saying, “It’s just a housing unit for nano parts.”

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What is the history of the arc reactor?

History. In this universe,the Arc Reactor was a device initially designed by Howard Stark,and later adapted by his son,Tony.

  • Alternate Realities. The Repulsor Tech node,as called on Earth-616,is a type of fusion power which derived from the Repulsor Technology of the Iron Man suit created by Tony
  • Notes.
  • What is an Iron Man arc reactor?

    Arc Reactor. The Arc Reactor was a power core made out of palladium , and was the initial power source of the first Iron Man Mark suits, and was later modified to an advanced level by Tony to power his suits, as it kept on improving.