
Why did the Sorcerer Supreme give Hulk the stone?

Why did the Sorcerer Supreme give Hulk the stone?

It’s the duty of the Sorcerer Supreme to protect the Time Stone.” The Ancient One is then shocked realizing that Strange would only have given up the stone to Thanos for a good reason, the Ancient One decided to trust in her future successor, handing over the Time Stone to Hulk. …

Why did ancient say she made a mistake?

She didn’t trust Bruce on his word, that was her mistake as she got to know Strange gave the infinity stone to Thanos. She knew he did it for a reason as he was one of the best of them. And so she gave Bruce the stone. It was words just Wordplay because Bruce gets annoyed and says that Dr.

What does Sorcerer Supreme mean by or I did?

Sorcerers Supreme Sorcerer Supreme or Sorceress Supreme is a title granted to the “practitioner of the mystic or magic arts who has greater skills than all others or commands a greater portion of the ambient magical energies than any other organism on a given world or “dimension”.

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What mistake did the Sorcerer Supreme make?

However, it’s the duty of the Sorcerer Supreme to protect the Time Stone at all costs. The mistake she was referring to was her initial intent to not give the Time Stone. Before explaining, it’s important to keep in mind that the Ancient One has the ability to see the future (but only so far).

Who plays Sorcerer Supreme in endgame?

Tilda Swinton
Tilda Swinton portrayed an androgynous Celtic version of the character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe films Doctor Strange (2016), Avengers: Endgame (2019), and the Disney+ series What If…? (2021) as a different version.

What happened to the ancient one in Doctor Strange?

When Strange and Wong late arrive at the Sanctum Sanctorum, they find the Ancient One dead. Wong gives Strange the Eye of Agamotto — a powerful symbol of the office of Sorcerer Supreme — and states that the position is Doctor Strange’s destiny. Strange and Wong then confront Mordo.

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What does the eye of Agamotto mean in Doctor Strange?

Wong gives Strange the Eye of Agamotto — a powerful symbol of the office of Sorcerer Supreme — and states that the position is Doctor Strange’s destiny. Strange and Wong then confront Mordo. As Wong fights Mordo, he is wounded in battle, but Mordo is repelled by Strange.

What was the mistake the Ancient One was referring to?

The mistake the Ancient One was referring to was her initial intent to not give the Time Stone to Banner. Before explaining, it’s important to mention/keep in mind that the Ancient One has the ability to see the future (but only so far).

How did Mordo become the Sorcerer Supreme?

Mordo also enters a child’s dream and makes a deal with Dormammu, pledging to serve him in exchange for dominion as Earth’s the Sorcerer Supreme. Dormammu takes over the minds of the remaining children as Mordo attacks Strange in the physical realm.

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