
Why did student protests against the Vietnam War turn violent?

Why did student protests against the Vietnam War turn violent?

At different times they chose different targets: the Pentagon, Presidents Nixon and Johnson, the draft, Dow Chemical. But the students all acted from a common belief that the Vietnam War was wrong. As that conflict escalated, the protests grew in strength, and some turned violent.

How do you organize a student protest?

Make brightly-colored flyers and posters about the protest and put them up around town and your school. Hand out pamphlets. Publicize in your school newspaper and on social media. Make a press release and send it to local newspapers, to websites and blogs, and to other organizations that may support your message.

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How do you plan a protest?

How to plan a peaceful protest

  1. ASSEMBLE. Gather like-minded people and make a case for why a protest action is necessary.
  2. ORGANIZE. Designate an effective mode of leadership or agree to opt for a more open, nonhierarchical structure.
  3. DEFINE.
  6. NOTIFY.

What are ways to protest?

198 Methods of Nonviolent Protest and Action

  • Formal statements. Public speeches.
  • Communications with a wider audience. Slogans, caricatures, and symbols.
  • Group representations. Deputations.
  • Symbolic public acts. Display of flags and symbolic colors.
  • Pressures on individuals.
  • Drama and music.
  • Processions.
  • Honoring the dead.

What were the protests against the Vietnam War?

First coordinated nationwide protests against the Vietnam War included demonstrations in New York City (sponsored by War Resisters League, Fellowship of Reconciliation, Committee for Non-Violent Action, the Socialist Party of America, and the Student Peace Union and attended by 1500 people), San Francisco (1000 people) …

How did protests influence the Vietnam War?

The growing opposition to the Vietnam War was partly attributed to greater access to uncensored information through extensive television coverage on the ground in Vietnam. Beyond opposition to the draft, anti-war protesters also made moral arguments against U.S. involvement in Vietnam.

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How did the student leaders manage the protest?

How did the student leaders manage the protest? Answer: The police expected that there will be so much protest against the British. So they managed their march so silently and showed their protest against British rule non – violently.

Can a school stop a protest?

Yes. You do not lose your right to free speech just by walking into school. You have the right to speak out, hand out flyers and petitions, and wear expressive clothing in school — as long as you don’t disrupt the functioning of the school or violate the school’s content-neutral policies.

How should universities respond to student protest politics?

Managements should be accountable when things go wrong for the university and good relations collapse. Governing bodies should be ready to act. An open, participatory university is the best response to protest. As an academic and administrator at a South African university, I can safely say that student protest politics is to be cherished.

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What is the purpose of protests?

Protests are among the many strategies people use to engage in activism and organizing, with the goal of enacting change. Other ways to engage in activism include advocacy for legislation, public awareness campaigns, raising funds, gaining support through social media, among others.

What are my rights for protesting away from school?

What about for protesting away from school? Outside of school, you enjoy essentially the same rights to protest and speak out as anyone else. This means you’re likely to be most protected if you organize, protest, and advocate for your views off campus and outside of school hours.

What happened to the student protests in South Africa?

October: In the final quarter of the year student protests proceeded across South Africa and grew violent as students at Wits and UCT were met with security and police force. Demonstrations eventually died down as protests gained political affiliation.