Tips and tricks

Why did Snape tell everyone about Lupin?

Why did Snape tell everyone about Lupin?

Snape thought Sirius wanted to murder Harry. Snape thought Lupin was helping Sirius to sneak into Hogwarts and then yes murder Harry. So of course Snape wanted Lupin out the castle, based on the information he had he believed he was saving Harry’s life.

Did Snape tell everyone Remus was a werewolf?

During his school years he was one of the Marauders, best friends with Sirius Black, James Potter, and Peter Pettigrew. He was also a professor of Harry Potter (James’ son) whom he taught how to conjure a corporeal Patronus, but resigned after Severus Snape revealed to the public that Remus was a werewolf.

Why did Snape teach Lupin’s class?

Simple answer: Because he wanted to expose Remus as a werewolf once again in adulthood, still acting like a child.

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Who let it slip that Remus was a werewolf?

Severus Snape
He resigned at the end of the year when Severus Snape let it slip to students that he was a werewolf. He was killed along with his wife Nymphadora Tonks in the Final Battle for Hogwarts. Their son, Edward Remus Lupin survived, who was left in the care of Tonks’ mother, Andromeda Tonks, and his godfather, Harry Potter.

Why did Snape make Lupin Wolfsbane?

Severus Snape brewed this potion for Remus Lupin during Lupin’s year as Defence Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry thought Severus Snape was poisoning Remus Lupin and later told his friends about it after they came back from Honeydukes.

Did Lupin know Snape was good?

Lupin sees Snape, understands the way he was ostracized as a child, and feels real remorse for not standing up for him. Lupin also understands Snape’s job as a spy and how isolating that work can be. Snape, in turn, understands only too well Lupin’s difficulty allowing himself to be loved.

Why did Snape make Wolfsbane for Lupin?

Snape also concerns himself with student safety and a werewolf that’s taken Wolfsbane isn’t as likely to run wild and murder any stray prefects or Weasleys that are out late during the full moon. If Lupin had to be at Hogwarts, Snape probably felt safer knowing that the werewolf would at least have his mind intact.

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When did Hermione know Lupin was a werewolf?

When he returned to class the week after, Lupin told the students that they would not have to complete it. As a result of completing the essay, Hermione was able to recognise Lupin as a werewolf, both by noticing that he was ill around the time of the full moon and that his Boggart was the full moon.

Why did Lupin forget Wolfsbane?

Possible to forget that you’re a werewolf? It did seem like he wouldn’t want to harm anyone but it just seems hard to believe that someone who was practically a werewolf for his whole life would have forgotten this fact, which also caused him to forget to drink the Wolfsbane Potion.

Why did Professor Snape stop protecting Harry Potter?

Professor Snape couldn’t bear being in your father’s debt… I do believe he worked so hard to protect you this year because he felt that would make him and your father quits. Then he could go back to hating your father’s memory in peace… ” Harry tried to understand this but it made his head pound, so he stopped.

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Why didn’t Dumbledore reject Remus Lupin?

As he demonstrated within his own friend group, he didn’t reject Peter because he wasn’t cool enough, he didn’t reject Sirius because his family were dark wizards, and he didn’t reject Remus for being a werewolf even though the entire wizarding world did.

Did Lily have feelings for Severus Snape?

Obviously Lily ultimately chose James Potter over Severus Snape, and Lily and James got married and had their only child, Harry Potter. But Lily could have just as easily made another choice, and despite some of Snape’s more obvious negative qualities she certainly did have strong feelings for him as well.

Why did Dumbledore say Snape saved Harry?

Why did Dumbledore say Snape saved Harry because James saved Snape? At the end of Philosopher’s Stone, Dumbledore tells Harry that Snape was trying so hard to protect Harry because James once saved Snape’s life.