Tips and tricks

Why did Palpatine say he was the Senate?

Why did Palpatine say he was the Senate?

Palpatine was declaring that he had become powerful enough to know that the government of the Republic was completely under his control; he WAS the government and it was him; there was no longer the will to oppose him.

How did Palpatine become senator?

Like Plagueis before him, Sidious carefully maintained his non-Sith identity as Sheev Palpatine, and he became active in politics on Naboo. He eventually rose in rank to become a senator (after secretly arranging the assassination of his predecessor), representing Naboo in the Galactic Senate.

Did Palpatine mind trick the Senate?

Yes. In fact, all the time he was a politician, he used a massive mind trick to hide his true identity and convince everyone that he deserved more power.

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How did Palpatine go from Chancellor to Emperor?

As a result of the Invasion of Naboo, a crisis orchestrated by Sidious, the Senate elected Palpatine as Supreme Chancellor. With the Jedi all but extinct, Sidious installed the New Order in the Republic’s place, declaring himself Galactic Emperor and bringing an end to a millennium of democracy.

Did Palpatine mind trick Jar Jar?

So Palpatine says: Palpatine knew that Jarjar was brave, but stupid; and so he is using reverse-psychology to push Jarjar right into his trap: Meanwhile Padme was off with Anakin on their romantic Naboo getaway, where he also knew they’d be setting up for their near-death experience on Geonosis.

What did Palpatine do as chancellor?

Chancellor Palpatine oversaw the final years of the Republic, during which the constitution was amended due to the Separatist Crisis, allowing him to remain in office long after his second term ended.

Why did Palpatine give the Supreme Chancellor so much power?

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Over the course of the Clone Wars, the Senate took pretty much all the power that normally resides in the Senate as a whole and gave it to the Supreme Chancellor specifically. The idea was that it would let Palpatine react to the events of the war swiftly and decisively, without getting slowed down by committees, debates, etc.

Why did Palpatine turn the Senate into a dictatorship?

Pressured by the threat of open war for the first time in a thousand years, the Senate granted emergency powers to Palpatine at the expense of their own authority, effectively turning the chancellery into a dictatorship.

How did Palpatine become galactic emperor?

As the Clone Wars came to an end, Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine of the Galactic Republic ordered a special session of Congress and proclaimed himself Galactic Emperor, turning the old Republic into a New Order in his image.

What happened to the Senate after the Clone Wars?

At the end of the Clone Wars, Palpatine transformed the Republic Senate into a purely ceremonial assembly. As the Clone Wars came to an end, Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine of the Galactic Republic ordered a special session of Congress and proclaimed himself Galactic Emperor, turning the old Republic into a New Order in his image.