
Why did Palpatine need emergency powers?

Why did Palpatine need emergency powers?

On the eve of the First Battle of Geonosis in 22 BBY, Junior Representative Jar Jar Binks convinced the Senate to increase the scope of the Chancellor’s emergency powers, enabling Palpatine to bypass the Military Creation Act and form the Grand Army of the Republic.

Why did Jar Jar give emergency powers to Palpatine?

Jar Jar gave Sidious emergency power because he was an easily influenced patsy of Padme. Think back to the scene. Jar Jar, Sidious and some influencial Jedi are discussing how to rescue Obi Wan but are wary of their defenses. And as such they wish to use the clone army to attack.

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What emergency powers were given to Palpatine?

The act also granted powers for chancellors to make instant decisions without the need for full senate approval, giving Palpatine all necessary authority to attempt to end the Separatist Crisis, including declaration of martial law on local systems.

How did Palpatine get so powerful in the Senate?

Born on the Mid Rim planet Naboo around 84 BBY during the Republic Era, Sidious possessed a strong connection to the Force, and was secretly trained in the ways of the Sith by Darth Plagueis. As a result of the Invasion of Naboo, a crisis orchestrated by Sidious, the Senate elected Palpatine as Supreme Chancellor.

Was Jar Jar working with Palpatine?

He even uses his hands in Star Wars: Attack of the Clones, in the scene where he persuades the Senate to hand control of the galaxy over to Palpatine. All this suggests that Jar Jar is part of Palpatine’s inner circle, a secret Force user who helped the Dark Lord of the Sith achieve his goals.

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Is Jar Jar Binks responsible empire?

Because of his poor reception, Jar Jar’s performance was heavily muzzled in the next two films, but it is heavily believed that he would have had a far more important role to play moving forward. …

How did Palpatine get the Grand Army of the Republic?

On the eve of the First Battle of Geonosis in 22 BBY, Junior Representative Jar Jar Binks convinced the Senate to increase the scope of the Chancellor’s emergency powers, enabling Palpatine to bypass the Military Creation Act and form the Grand Army of the Republic.

How did Palpatine become the most powerful chancellor?

Unbeknownst to the Senate, Palpatine had deliberately engineered the Clone Wars so that he could remain in office and plot the downfall of the Jedi. In effect, Palpatine became the most powerful chancellor since before the Ruusan Reformations.

How does Palpatine look like in Revenge of the Sith?

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Heck, in the exact same Revenge of the Sith scene, Palpatine hits Windu with a round of lightning, and he looks just fine — until he’s flung out of the window, anyway. In The Star Wars Insider #82, Ian McDiarmid explains that Palpatine’s evil visage is “what he always looked like,” and that his kindlier look is just a “carapace.”

What was Palpatine’s personality like?

In Alan Dean Foster’s official Star Wars novelization, Palpatine is depicted as a recluse who disappeared from public view, and who was quickly manipulated and “controlled by the very assistants and boot-lickers he had appointed to high office.”