
Why did my twin flame appear in my life?

Why did my twin flame appear in my life?

Your soul wants to come back to its truest essence. It wants to release all of the fears and illusions that keep it imprisoned and distracted from its life mission. That is why your twin flame appeared in your life, to remind you who you really are and why you chose to incarnate on this planet at this crucial time.

What is a twin flame reunion?

Twin flames are the flames of the same soul, in two different bodies. When Twin Flames reunite, the Universal energy shifts, due to the strong vibration emitted by the two souls feeling again as One. That moment when you feel the ground is running under your feet.

Can you really screw up and lose a twin flame connection?

Yet, the reality is that will never occur. There is no way to truly screw up and lose a twin flame connection, even if, at times, it may feel that way.

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Are You magnetically attracted to your twin flame?

You are magnetically attracted to your twin flame, no matter how much time you need to realize this fact Even if you are afraid to experience this relationship, because you feel a strong vulnerability around them, the Universe will bring you back together. “Coincidences” may occur when least expected.

What is the difference between a twin flame and a soulmate?

While a twin flame is the other half of your soul in other words, a soul mate can be, and is usually someone from a soul group you were connected with before you incarnated as human here, however they are not necessarily part of the same ‘soul family’ as it were.

Is it normal to have constant dreams about your twin flame?

It isn’t constant, there may not be any telepathy or such connection, no dreaming of them or even being able to sense them as you will with your twin flame once you’ve connected soul to soul with them. That essentially is something you also have that you receive from your twin flame but in a different way.