
Why did Hagrid tell Harry and Ron to follow the spiders?

Why did Hagrid tell Harry and Ron to follow the spiders?

He knew that if Harry followed the spiders, he would ultimately reach Aragog, who everybody assumed was the monster form the Chamber of Secrets. But then Aragog would tell him the truth, that he had never killed anyone. So Harry would be convinced of his innocence and maybe even convince someone else.

What did Aragog tell Harry and Ron?

There they meet Aragog, the patriarch of a huge colony of giant spiders. Aragog, cranky at having his sleep disturbed, tells his children to kill Harry and Ron. Harry forestalls this by saying they are Hagrid’s friends, and he is in trouble, arrested again for apparently opening the Chamber.

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What is the problem in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets?

The main conflict when Harry fights Tom Riddle (teenage Lord Voldemort). They fight in the Chamber of Secrets which was opened by Ginny Weasley without she knowing it. Ginny was controlled by Riddle’s diary in which he left a part of his soul.

Why did the car help Harry and Ron?

Ron was worried that his parents might not be able to get back through, so they used the car to fly to Hogwarts. Near the end of the school year, on 24 May 1993, the car turned up and saved Harry, Ron, and Hagrid’s dog, Fang, from Aragog’s family.

Why is the setting important in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets?

Although there are a number of locations in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, the most important setting is the one that is shared by most of the novels: Hogwarts University, the school where young children with magical ability are taught to control and utilize their gifts.

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How old are Ron and Harry in Chamber of Secrets?

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets – real-life ages

Harry Potter – 12 years old Daniel Radcliffe – 12 years old
Ron Weasley – 12 years old Rupert Grint – 13 years old
Hermione Granger – 12-13 years old Emma Watson – 11-12 years old
Neville Longbottom – 12 years old Matthew Lewis – 12-13 years old

What did Harry and Ron find out about Aragog?

What he didn’t know that Aragog’s children were not as friendly and were just waiting for prey to walk right into their lair. The spiders led Harry and Ron to Aragog, which led to Harry and Ron finding out that Hagrid was actually innocent of having opened the Chamber of Secrets the first time.

What advice did Hagrid give to Ron and Harry?

Hagrid vaguely told Ron Weasley and Harry Potter to “follow the spiders,” but couched this advice in a statement to Minister for Magic, Cornelius Fudge, as they were both hiding under Harry’s invisibility cloak.

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What does Harry Potter think about Hagrid’s friendship with Aragog?

—Harry Potter in his sixth year thinking about Hagrid’s friendship with Aragog. Aragog (c. 1942–20 April 1997) was an Acromantula owned by Rubeus Hagrid. Like the rest of his species, Aragog had a taste for human flesh and was able to communicate with humans with speech.

Why did Aragog’s children not eat the two boys?

Aragog told the two that while he showed mercy to Hagrid, he would not deny his many children fresh meat—even if they were Hagrid’s friends. However, thanks to the Flying Ford Anglia, Aragog’s children failed to eat the two boys, as they both escaped the forest by flying away in the enchanted car.