
Why did goose eat the Tesseract?

Why did goose eat the Tesseract?

Tesseract: Goose swallowed the Tesseract during Captain Marvel’s journey to space to defend the Earth from Ronan the Accuser’s Kree forces, thus protecting the Tesseract from falling into the hands of Starforce.

What is a Flerken scratch?

Toxicity: In the Earth-199999 reality, a scratch from a Flerken causes severe tissue damage to humanoids, as Nick Fury found out when a claw swipe from Goose to his left eye resulted in scarring and permanent loss of function.

Did Nick Fury keep goose?

Portrayed by. Goose is a Flerken and the former pet of Mar-Vell. Following the death of her owner, Goose went with Carol Danvers and Nick Fury into space during their quest to find Mar-Vell’s Laboratory. Despite what happened, Fury opted to take care of Goose after Danvers left Earth.

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Could Captain Marvel defeat Thanos without his glove?

Probably not. Captain Marvel is very, very, very powerful—she’s been called the most powerful and most mighty Avenger out there, so that makes her more powerful than Thor wielding his new axe, Iron Man in all his suits, and Hulk when he’s flexing like crazy. If she went up against Thanos without his glove, we’re pretty sure she could defeat him.

Is Thanos more powerful than we thought?

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has been gearing up for a fight with Thanos for years now. Several movies have teased the galactic villain’s evil intentions, and the first trailer for Avengers: Infinity War proved that he is more powerful than anyone imagined.

How did Captain Marvel beat Thanos’ Sanctuary II?

Thanos’ warship, the Sanctuary II, was seen as the ultimate weapon in the galaxy, able to disarm the Asgardians and wreak havoc wherever it went. Captain Marvel made this look like a joke; by using her super speed, she bulldozed through the Sanctuary II.

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Can Thanos drown in the Avengers?

Thanos’ strength and physiology appeared to be on par with the Hulk, and we saw the latter almost meet his end in Avengers: Endgame when he almost dropped beneath the Avengers compound. This means Thanos shouldn’t be immune to drowning either, and it’s a pretty simple strategy to employ.