
Why did Batman choose to fight crime?

Why did Batman choose to fight crime?

eyes that would never forget.” (Batman #47) Bruce Wayne, after seeing both of his parents murdered before his eyes made a promise in his heart. He would do everything within his power to fight crime in Gotham City. So strong was his resolve that he bordered on obsession. making him no better than those he pursued.

Why does Batman leave Gotham?

In 2015, Bruce left Gotham after supposedly killing the Joker, leading the local crime rate to rise higher than ever and the Bat-Signal to be finally switched off in 2018 to signify his permanent absence. After discovering his secret identity, Kate took on her cousin’s mantle and became Batwoman.

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How did Batman get all his money?

Batman is rich (or extremely wealthy) mainly because of his families companies. Batman or Bruce Wayne’s father owned some very lucrative businesses in Gotham City that ended up making him a very wealthy man. The Wayne industries were the life blood of the city and they brought in a lot of money for the Wayne family.

Why is Batman so problematic to the government?

Lastly, and most importantly, Batman is problematic to the government because he gives the people back their power. The citizens of Gotham feel as if they have been completely stripped of all of their power, of their voice, to stand up against the injustices committed against them both by criminals and the government itself.

Does Batman save lives in Gotham?

While Batman obviously cannot be everywhere, he saves countless lives throughout Gotham through his exploits. The protection of Gotham is first on the agenda for Batman. It was, after all, a senseless act of violence that became the impetus for Bruce Wayne when he was a child that would eventually lead to his becoming the Batman.

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How is Batman portrayed by the authorities?

When a problem arises, he rises to the occasion and remedies the situation, often times to the chagrin of the local authorities. Much like many other comic characters such as Spider Man or V from Alan Moore’s V For Vendetta, Batman is often portrayed by the authorities as a pariah and a menace to society.

Why is Batman so important to society?

Batman gives the people the power to fight back, to assail the assailants, to rebel against a broken system. This aspect of Batman is particularly problematic for the authorities because an angry population that has suddenly found its voice is a very dangerous thing in the eyes of a government. When the oppressed finally rise up, change happens.