
Why aspirin and disprin are avoided in dengue fever?

Why aspirin and disprin are avoided in dengue fever?

The infecting organism in dengue affects the platelets which are responsible for clotting and in turn increase the tendency for a person to bleed. Aspirin and Ibuprofen, too, have similar reactions to the human body.

Can aspirin be given to dengue patients?

No treatment: No specific antiviral agents exist for dengue. Supportive care is advised: Patients should be advised to stay well hydrated and to avoid aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), aspirin-containing drugs, and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (such as ibuprofen) because of their anticoagulant properties.

Why Nsaid is not used in dengue?

Consensus guidelines for treatment of dengue fever from the World Health Organization and US Centers for Disease Control recommend acetaminophen to manage pain and fever but contraindicate nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents (NSAIDs) because of potentially increased bleeding risk, with thrombocytopenia as a …

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Is mefenamic acid safe in dengue?

Mefenamic acid affects platelet function and it may enhance the effect of anti- coagulant therapy which means that it is deleterious in dengue fever and other hemorrhagic fevers which are quite prevalent in present day scenarios.

Can we give diclofenac in dengue?

He further adds that when aspirin, diclofenac or ibuprofen are given to those diagnosed with dengue, there is a greater chance of the person developing bleeding related complications.

Can we give mefenamic acid in dengue?

Fever control Use Paracetamol only. Do not use NSAIDs such as Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Mefenamic acid, Celecoxib etc.

Is diclofenac contraindicated in dengue?

Can paracetamol cure dengue fever?

“There is no need to panic in case if someone is suffering from dengue fever. If one takes a dose of 650 mg paracetamol in place of 500 mg and some rest, one can be cured of the disease,” he said.

Is Meftal Forte safe in dengue?

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Avoid use of Mefenamicacid (meftal), aspirin and ibuprofen (ibugesic) as much as possible as these drugs interfere with platelet functioning. Encourage the intake of plenty of liquids-(milk, fresh juice, tender coconut water, kanji). The ability to tolerate oral feeds in a child with dengue is a good sign!

Can diclofenac be given in dengue?